I love the way you argue a position. You seem to me to make the simple overly complex and the actual complex overly simplified. I just want to give you a big virtual hug and observe you ponder the mysteries of existence.Rules cannot be created. They are simply concepts which can be comprehended by intellectual beings. Theories exist a priorie (you need intellectual being in order imagine them). Time in another hand is back bone, the fundamental variable for any theory, of every theory and therefore it cannot be emergent. Knowledge is structured in term of theories and knowledge is needed for act of creation. But the theory in which time is an emergent thing does not exist therefore time cannot be created.
I will say this though, rules not only can be created, anyone who has played board games with overly competitive friends can attest to this, but they must be created in order to have a coherent existence. Either by nature, by God, or by man. As an emergent quality of cause and effect as from nature, by direct and Intelligent design such as from God, or to a lesser degree by deliberate enforcement from man for instance. Rules can be comprehended but not necessarily so. Most people go through life experiencing the rules of nature without having the foggiest idea why or how they work. In this fashion one might say that rules dictate and/or control behavior. Theories are created a priori, they are created ad secundarium. Principally from observations of implicit or explicit sensory experience of existence in some manner. Yes you need intellectual equipment to formulate a theory but typically you don’t, or shouldn’t, formulate a theory and then look for any existent thing to apply it to. You reflect upon experience and then formulate a theory after testing numerous hypothesis etc… Time may be a quality of our creation but it by no means has to be factored into every theory of creations emergent qualities. Quantum fluctuations of virtual particles for instance need take no conceptions of time into consideration. What about thought? Once initiated no consideration of time is needed. Quantum entanglement between two particles separated by some distance is instantaneous. There are many theories that don’t need time to be coherent and consistent. You make a logical fallacy by claiming that since time is a quality of our existence it cannot be an emergent quality along with creation and consequently neither can creation be an emergent quality of existence. Theories are created models of discovered facts. Simply because a theory doesn’t exist yet does not mean that theory will never be formulated as a model of something that exists. Nor does it mean that what that theory may model cannot exist because a theory hasn’t been created yet to model it.