First a bit if history of minimum wage:
Min Wage Increase Total Inc
Oct-38 $0.25
Feb-68 $1.60 640%
Jul-08 $6.55 409% 2620%
For those who say min wage should not be raised, are you saying it is morally right to have stopped at a $1.60 in 1968? The only way I see that being right is IF the Cost of Living was also held to 1968 levels.
Second, an increase in min wage usually requires an increase in wages for positions above min wage. Otherwise, those higher paying positions are devalued.
Third, Randy Carson is correct in that there is a limit as to what a business owner can charge his/her customers. Yes, some businesses can pass along the extra cost, but many can not. Some will go out of business and employees become unemployed.
Fourth, One does not need to be an economist to understand the natural tendency to be efficient. If one can get about $25,000 a year from a package of government supports while not working, why would one work for $10 an hour - less than $21,000 a year? And if one did earn $15 an hour - about $31,000 a year and give up that $25K support, one sees that he or she is actually working for about $6,000 a year. Is that enough incentive to seek min swage jobs? Yes, many do have a sense of Honor and would rather work than be carried, but many look to government and avoid work.
Finally, but not the total points to be considered, is a discussion on what we should be doing to increase one’s skills so he or she can command a higher paying job? Being in min wage positions should be temporary. We have to provide programs to improve skills and workers have to have enough personal drive to use those programs wisely. There are some but not enough.