'Miracle' of Gold Teeth?

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My father-in-law is Pentecostal, not AG though, and he is always talking about how God is always performing miraces at campmeeting. (He has never attended one mind you, he only hears about them). But, oddly, the ‘miracle’ that always seems to be occurring is that after one is ‘slain in the spirit’, he or she wakes up with a full set of ‘Gold Teeth’. Heh. He believes God does this, but sneers at miracles such as, Lanciano, or those at Lourdes.

Any comments or helps in communicating with him would be appreciated.
My father-in-law is Pentecostal, not AG though, and he is always talking about how God is always performing miraces at campmeeting. (He has never attended one mind you, he only hears about them). But, oddly, the ‘miracle’ that always seems to be occurring is that after one is ‘slain in the spirit’, he or she wakes up with a full set of ‘Gold Teeth’. Heh. He believes God does this, but sneers at miracles such as, Lanciano, or those at Lourdes.

Any comments or helps in communicating with him would be appreciated.
…No, on second thought, you are on your own on this one. Good luck with your FIL. 👍
My late Mother-in-law used to relate of men attending Pentecostal camp meetings in order to view the ladies after their clothing was disarranged after being 'slain in the Spirit." 😛
an anglican friend of mine (that’s episcopalian for y’all in america) says he would believe that these rosary style miracles were for real if gold rosaries turned into wood. i’m not sure how that works out with teeth…just thought i’d share that with you…
I went to high school in the ghetto.

Wanna impress me? Show me a black pentecostal congregation whose congreants’ teeth turn from gold to . . .well . . . real teeth!


Hmmm… sounds like “bling bling theology” to me. :eek:

It was such as this that was responsible, in part, for driving me out of pentecostalism/charismaticism altogether. I was a subscriber to Charisma magazine, which majored in that sort of thing, and they were carrying all sorts of reports about this happening, but without documentation or before/after reports from valid dentists.

There were also reports of gold dust settling over the congregation–well, someone got a sample, and it turned out to be gold-colored plastic. I was outta there.

Hmmm… sounds like “bling bling theology” to me. :eek:

Good to see the ole…“Health & Wealth” theology is working ! 😛

A mouthful of miracle gold teeth… theology for gansta rappers! :eek:

“Now we a gonna jus’ tell that ole holy spirit to git on with itself and begin a workin’ to slash dem old bills in half and tell that demon of poverty to vacate our lives…cause you a got one of dem der demons of poverty”… and God aint a wantin NOBODY to suffer"!

Please call 555-5555 for your good faith donation and start a puttin’ that holy spirit ta work for YOU today! 👍
You guys are wrong…ha ha ha ha ha

i’m being serious 😃

and i stand corrected its actuall a full set of molars in gold.

It apparently happened to his nephew’s wife a few years ago then his nephew.

they have since separated, she was messing around with someone else. he to moved on. without his ‘church’ too. sad
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