Missiles - They've Got Missiles

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Israeli officials say Hezbollah has obtained an advanced surface-to-air missile, forcing Israeli aircraft to fly at higher altitudes and underscoring fears missiles Russia is selling to Syria may be handed over to terrorists.

A report in Israel’s Maariv daily Hebrew edition quoted Israeli officials saying Hezbollah has acquired SAM-18 anti-aircraft missiles from a former Soviet republic other than Russia, prompting Israeli air force jets to fly higher while nearing the Israeli-Lebanese border. The SAM-18 is a high-altitude, infrared-capable, heat-seeking missile that homes on and attacks the primary source of heat detected. The missiles are considered moderately advanced, and would be the most potent missile known to be in Hezbollah’s arsenal.

The report strengthens American and Israeli objections to a deal Russia made last week to sell Syria the advanced SA-18 surface-to-air missile, an improved version of the Strela missile with a larger warhead, extended range and higher speed. Sources said the sale is the first transfer in a larger missile package that includes another anti-aircraft missile system mounted on armored personnel carriers and a surface missile capable of engaging multiple targets at once.

U.S. and Israeli officials have been urging Russia to limit the scope of its missile sale to Syria and have expressed concern the weapons could be passed to Hezbollah or to insurgents for use against U.S. forces in Iraq…"

Hmm…I cant recall…since Bush’s re-election there hasnt been a need to propagandize the Color Coded “terror alert”… gee…I wonder WHY??? :rolleyes:

Anyway…if the Govt wasnt still trying to scare its Citizens into voting for Bush again, would this have been coded as Yellow or Orange? 😃
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