Missing Mass because of vacation

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We Catholics do not vacation from our Faith - plan your Faith into your vacation. If you are an astronaut, then, get a dispensation from Mass.
I don’t want to hijack the thread, but did the pope really say that? and why?
Sorry, I was just being snarky. Plus, I wanted to see what my pregnancy ticker had to say today (It’s the start of a new week). Plus, seeing the days count down makes me feel like this pregnancy won’t, in fact, last forever. Despite all outward appearences.

Sorry, OP, no more comments from the peanut gallery over here. 😃
Just incase people think I take going to Mass lightly, when we are away from home we do make every effort to find a Catholic Church and attend Mass. If the OP is truly in a situation where Mass in not available according to the apologists he is dispensed -to be certain he can speak to his priest.
As others have said, many times I find going to Mass at a new location while on vacation to be the highlight of my vacations.

I make planning Mass part of the vacation planning process and it can be fun. For a cruise vacation I was particularly thrilled with a bit of planning that involved finding a church along the route from the airport to the port. We attended Sunday morning Mass on the way to the port from the airport and then after the cruise attended Saturday evening Mass at the same church on the way back to the airport. Timing was perfect. Of course if my plane had been late I would have missed mass and not felt I had committed a sin. But I would have ended up sinning anyway by what I would have probably been saying to the airline employees.

I’ve even attended mass in O’Hare airport (they have a multi-faith chapel) while waiting for a flight. I find beauty in perfect planning.

But the highlight of Mass attendance while on vacation has to be my recent trip to Disney World. We attended mass at the Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine (maryqueenoftheuniverse.org)). It is on the east side on I-4 directly opposite Downtown Disney. Less than 10 minutes. It is a 2000 seat church but you still have to arrive early because there are lines of buses arriving for each mass.

www.masstimes.org is truly heaven sent. It is so easy to find a church anywhere.
But the highlight of Mass attendance while on vacation has to be my recent trip to Disney World. We attended mass at the Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine (maryqueenoftheuniverse.org)). It is on the east side on I-4 directly opposite Downtown Disney. Less than 10 minutes. It is a 2000 seat church but you still have to arrive early because there are lines of buses arriving for each mass.
Gorgeous church! We go there a lot!
I remember one summer my family went to Ceder Point which is a small island off of Sanduski Ohio filled with tones of totally cool rolercoasters. We were there on a sunday and lo and behold, there was a priest who would come to the island to say mass! There were probably only ten or so families that went, but by George, we were one of them.
I live only about an hour from Sandusky and have gone to Cedar Point almost every year for the past 34 years (first with my parents as a little kid, then as an adult). There are parishes in the city itself. The city is what you go through before you get on the causeway. There is also a parish in Marblehead, which is not far. I just thought I would mention it, in case you every go there again. When I visited Disney World, a priest said Mass outside at the Polynesian Hotel on the Disney property.
Our family plans vacations around Mass attendance. Mass is our priority; we plan our locations on trips based up being near a Church on Sunday. I think anyone can do so, though it often takes a bit of creativity. Our Lord is worth it, isn’t he?
BINGO! We have a winner here!
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