But a Muslim could argue the same thing- that Islam holds the fullness of the truth. Someone of another religion could argue the same thing too. What makes the Catholic more right? You believe the same thing the other people of the other religions may believe… That their religion is the truth. So why should someone accept your word over their word. Obviously someone is wrong- it could be the Catholic. If after prayer and study the person came to the conclusion that Catholicism is not the full truth either they are correct or they interpreted something incorrectly through no fault of their own. They are just seeking the truth and using their intellect to search for it. Many people search for the truth and do not find Catholicism to be the full truth, but rather sine other Church or religion. They are trying their best and they have as much a chance of being right as you do, maybe even more if they spent more time searching and studying and did not only look at one point of view etc