The problem with this whole discussion is that the intent should be to go to mass because you (I) want to, to receive Jesus, not how to justify not going.
*) C.S. Lewis only took it so far Mr. Darwin. [/quote said:Could you explain what you mean by that?
george eastlake said:C.S. Lewis only took it so far Mr. Darwin.
I agree, but the opposite is also true. The intent in going to Mass isn’t what I get out of it, it is what I can offer as sacrifice to our Lord.The problem with this whole discussion is that the intent should be to go to mass because you (I) want to, to receive Jesus, not how to justify not going.
No.ok so here is a scenario. There is a catholic nurse who works at a catholic hospital, however, she is scheduled to work saturday night shift and the sunday 12 hour shift (which happens cause my best friend is a nurse). She works at a catholic hospital so obviously her bosses are probably catholic as well. She misses mass. Is that a sin?
First of all, I would not say for a minute that because I said a prayer or w/e that I am guaranteed eternal life. I think its a travesty that people live their lives thinking they don’t have to worry because they’re going to heaven. I would say that salvation comes only after you realize that you are longing for something and nothing in this world has been able to fufill that longing. God is what we are longing for but we can’t get to him because we are sinful, fallen creatures. I don’t need to give you a Sunday school lesson because I’m sure you know the rest…I’m kind of familiar with Piper and have read most of C.S.(REALLY GOOD)but although these guys and others have a part of the whole, they are well meaning and truly, as I’m sure you do, love Jesus. What I was saying is that as a fallen away Catholic of some 20 years I decided I was going to find out the whole thing for myself. I wondered why sola scriptura, sola fide folks like yourself believed that by saying the sinners prayer and doing the alter call, by accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, that you were saved.
I’m not a big fan of organized religion. Many churches today are corrupt and dead. I think there are instances of this within both the catholic and protestant churches. However, Jesus never said “I’m starting a church. Call it the Catholic church, make it the one true religion, and make some guy a pope.” There’s nothing wrong with being Protestant at all.We know that our Lord started A church not churches. How is it that after 1500 or so years that Luther got it right and everyone else was wrong.
You have never read Mcdowell, Piper or Warren if you have that strong of a conviction about that, in my opinion. These men are strong believers who actually live out their faith radically.C.S. was great but guys like Piper and the guy that is selling "a purpose driven anything you can imagine and Josh Mcdowell(?), these guys are lining they’re pockets.
Why? On what basis is it the source of truth? Why does something have to have a firm scriptural basis to be believed?Secondly, I do believe that the Bible is the one and only source of Truth. I think it is wrong to believe anything that does not have firm Scriptual basis.
KJV Bible:Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.
He is clearly talking about oral tradition being authoritative.Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.