Mississippi Cuts Number of Abortions in Half

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**State cuts number **
of abortions in half
‘We don’t need to wait for the Supreme Court to outlaw’ it, says Mississippi pro-life leader

Posted: December 28, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Mississippi’s tough restrictions have helped cut the rate of abortion in half in just a dozen years.

After reaching a peak in 1991 of 8,814, the number dropped to 3,605 in 2002, the last year for which figures are available, the Associated Press reported.
That’s less than one-third the national rate.

Activists and researchers on both sides of the debate agree that while there are many factors, strict laws, community pressure and the efforts of pro-life advocates have had a significant impact.

Jackson Women’s Health Organization, in the capital, is now the state’s only abortion clinic.

Its owner, Susan Hill, who is based in North Carolina, said Mississippi is the “picture of the future.”

“It’s the perfect laboratory for any restriction – there’s no way, politically, that it won’t sail through the legislature,” she said, according to the AP.

Pro-life activist Roy McMillan, delighted he now has only one clinic to target, says he hopes to see Mississippi become the first state to be “abortion-free.”

“Thankfully, we’ve arrived at a time I always wanted – when the women have to come through us,” he said, according to the AP.

Mississippi recently enacted the nation’s most sweeping conscience clause, which allows any health-care provider to refuse abortion-related service. The state also is one of only two to require minors to get consent of both parents and to make providers tell women that abortion might increase the risk of breast cancer.

Pat Cartrette, executive director of Pro-Life Mississippi, pointed out that all of her group’s priorities have been enacted.

“We don’t need to wait for the Supreme Court to outlaw abortion,” Cartrette said. “If we shine the light on the abortionists and the abortion industry, it will self-destruct, and we’re seeing that happen in Mississippi.”

“If we shine the light on the abortionists and the abortion industry, it will self-destruct, and we’re seeing that happen in Mississippi.”
Let us pray! :gopray:
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