i’ve been surfing around the Dr.Phil website and was reading one of the message boards in response to an episode about a man who had an affair on his wife that resulted in a child. now all these other women are coming out saying “oh poor me he promised to leave his wife for me and he didnt” what a bunch of wha wha’s! are you kidding me. they are all upset because Dr.Phil doesnt take the OW (other woman) feelings into consideration, well poor her she lay in bed with another womans husband she deserves what she’ll get, shes no victim! the wife and the children are the victims! i have never been cheated on by my fiance but my father cheated on my stepmother and my mother. i felt he cheated on me too! he was out with another woman and her kids, while i never saw him! and when i lost my temper and broke her nose he defended her against me and admonished me for my actions (which i know were wrong but am ashamed to say i dont regret) im so sick and tired of these women making excuses for themselves!!