Does anyone have any advice on how to prepare for a mixed marriage? My boyfriend is Protestant and I am Catholic. We would like to come up with a compromise without compromising our faith, especially in regards to raising children. I obviously would want to raise the children Catholic, but would it be wrong to go to both a Protestant service and a Catholic Mass?
I personally would seriously consider this issue, before I got married.
Personally I am a member of a broken home, and my ex-wife converted for me, which was mistake number one, and then left with no regard for the sacrament of matrimony.
This time i have clearly asserted that there will be no more dissention in my home, I will make sure that there is a clear similarity in me and my futures spoused core beleifs.
I can personally see no other road but confusion for the children and animosity between the husband and wife with a mixed marriage (religiously speaking).
I have a girlfriend right now and she is Luthern, and she is currently investigating Church History and Church Doctrine, so she can decide if she wants to come home to Rome.
She is perfectly aware that one of my main criteria for a spouse is the girl must be Catholic, but she also realizes that if she converts, it must be because that is what she knows to be true in her heart, not because of my personal requirements of a spouse…
I compromised my beliefs once and it led to disaster, so never again. I know this may come off as harsh, but one time through the “grinder” (and i pray that never happens to you) and you will see why i have such assertiveness on this subject.
First comes Jesus, and His Church…if they dont meet that requirement, it is a for sure no go. I will pray for guidence in yours and my situations…
Peace of the lord be with you,