So much indeed. I’m sure it would be simple, if humanity didn’t tend to make things complex.so much. Let me just put this simple thing out there.
The problem I see here is, by applying the indefinite pronoun to God you imply that God is a member of a group to which other elements belong from which God might be distinguished - i.e., God is someone as opposed to being “someone else”. God is not a member of a group. God is not the only element in a particular group. God is incomparable to anything else in existence. It would be better to say God is not “someone”, he is “something” of which he is the only one. God “is” Love is a statement from a human perspective which cannot be understood in its totality since Love is a quality that excludes certain other qualities of which cannot be excluded from God in his totality without altering our conception of what it means to be nothing “but” love. I.e. God has been described scripturally as encompassing other states of being; e.g., God is a jealous God yet Love excludes jealousy. If you equivocate and redefine Gods jealousy with a label such as “righteous jealousy” then you must allow for redefining the Love applied to God as unique to himself and not humanity.God is not a something, he is a someone. God is also love.
I believe you misunderstand Gods relationship to creation. If time starts with creation there is no before creation or after creation as it applies to creation. Time is required to establish before or after. This can only be accomplished within creation in which time has meaning.Imagine God before creation when there are no human beings or any other created things. Just God, and God is love.
Since God created past, present, and future all at once and is eternally present in all of these and outside of all of these concepts of time it makes no difference to say God was alone for this long and then created, or Creation has an age and God hasn’t….THE MOMENT OF CREATION WAS TIMELESS. Creations age is measured only from within creation itself. The thought of creation was always with God since the act of creating was timeless and God is without potential since all potential is always and eternally fulfilled in God. The creative object of God’s love was always with him and never with him, both are true because neither are true because always and never and beginning and end only have meaning within creation yet Gods creative action, of necessity, took place outside of creation and outside of time.What is love and how can God be love if we are not there to be loved?
If love is relationship between persons and if God is love, there must be “interplay” between persons. And yet love is unitive at the same time as it is between persons. Diversity and unity. Or unity through diversity.
You use a lot of ifs. Can’t love be between an unaware object and that which is aware of its love for the object? Love does not require that its essence be returned in order that it can be complete. Love is complete in itself. Would you limit God by saying his love cannot be complete unless it is returned? Therefore does love “require” that it only be between “persons”, or even mutual awareness? Did not God create and call it good before man came into the picture? Did not God Love his creation in full from the beginning even before its completion? Does not man reflect Gods image in admiration and love for Gods unaware creation?
Human marriage is given for humans in order that they may fulfill Gods plan for humans. While the fullness of love is expressed between, in a perfect family, the members it is made up of this does not express the totality of Love perfected. Look to Jesus’s example of loving thy enemy in scripture, or Christ’s laying down his life for sinners. Sinners who’s love back to God cannot be equally measured. Sinners who Christ asked his father to forgive, though they hated him. Loves greatest strength and most enduring power is that, perfected, it is self-sustaining. Love need not be received in order that Love is given. Did not Jesus say to love ones friends is easy, but to love those who are your enemy shows the power of Love which has its strength in enduring through adversity? While Love makes equal, equality does not express Love.Think of marriage as the best analogy of the Trinity. Two persons united as one and fruitful in that love. The unitive love is a third reality.