Modern Day Dilemma

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Yes. I mean, expect a fight; but it’s a fair rule. If your son had a female friend who wasn’t his girlfriend would you let them sleep in the same room because they were just friends? Even if they have been friends for years? Even if said girl is a lesbian herself and ostensibly doesn’t have interest in men?

The same rule would apply to your lesbian daughter.
And remember that just because she is a lesbian doesn’t mean she sees every other woman as a potential sexual partner. Or even every other lesbian as a potential sexual partner.
I think that’s bang on for an adult lesbian (or adult human of any orientation).

However, for a 17 year old, who doesn’t have the life experience; or even the complete biological brain development of her frontal lobe it isn’t wrong to treat them developmentally appropriately and put down rules.

(At What Age Does the Brain Stop Developing?)
The prefrontal cortex, which begins to develop around the onset of puberty, does not complete its development until age 25. This section of the brain controls impulse inhibition, goal planning and organization
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As a parent, the rules at our house were – my house, my rules.
If your daughter cannot restrain her actions at home, she could always move out.
Sleepovers in the livingroom only, rather than anywhere with a door. Is it naive of me to suggest that insisting on more than one guest for a sleepover would help?
No sleepovers and no “girlfriends” at the house. You are supporting her while not supporting putting her in an immoral situation. It likely would not come as a surprise that you would not condone her putting herself in a situation that would be harmful to her soul. Just plainly set boundaries that you will not cross or allow her to cross. She will not like it but will respect you for it.
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