Modernist confusion

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When I wanted to become Catholic, I was very much inclined to the sedevacantist position, and then I read John C. Pontrello’s ‘The Sedevacantist Delusion’ and James Larson’s ‘War against the Papacy’, which made me realise it was impossible to be a sedevacantist and remain Catholic. Eventually, I realised that the Catholic Church just isn’t the indefectable ‘Body of Christ’ it claims to be. Since Vatican II, or perhaps even before it, it wasn’t just Liturgical changes, but church has largely abandoned defined dogma such as creationism, and has instead adopted ‘progressive creation’ and ‘theistic evolution’. The church has also modified salvation dogma by introducing ‘invincible ignorance’ and asserting that unbaptized infants could be saved. Pope John Paul II referred to slavery as intrinsically evil, “now and forever”, thereby opposing scripture, and the theologians and Magisterium of the church for most of its history.

Even before the 20th century, the strongest case of the church changing its teaching on morals, is when it changed its attitude towards usury. There is also the Immaculate Conception, Bernard of Clairvaux refers to the doctrine as if it were an emerging innovation, and NOT an ongoing dispute. Augustine himself is accused to this very day by Eastern Orthodox, of innovation, namely the doctrine of original sin; Augustine’s Pelagian opponents charged him with Manichaeism on account of this. Most Catholics also, like to assert that during the Galileo controversy, only Galileo’s heliocentrism was condemned as a heresy, when actually it was also his opposition to geocentrism which was condemned as a heresy.
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Do your telling me that you didn’t become Catholic because of modern changes? I may be slightly confused reading your post so forgive me… But where to get the body of Christ, where else is the eucharist? Protestantism surely has too much false doctrine that doesn’t necessarily meet the requirements of Christ church. And I’ve been through the whole ‘I’m spiritual not religious’ mentality and didn’t attend any church because the “organizations” were “wrong”… And I learned that path was completely wrong… This only leaves the Catholic Church whom Jesus promised would never fully be overcome despite some wrongdoings of course. I just don’t think the Holy Spirit led people for that long and then left ya know? I’m of course still discerning l, but quite frankly I know it was His church first.
Also, if the schismatics were right, then God just changed His mind suddenly around the 16th century and even earlier when the Orthodox and eastern problems came in.
Have you ever considered Christ? Even outside of Catholicism?
April 2016 was when I abandoned the sedevacantist position, and until February 2017 I was just trying to make head or tail about Christianity in general. I had an interest in Eastern Orthodoxy during the Summer of 2016, I became interested in Islam again in October 2016 (until I returned to Islam in February 2017), and then I couldn’t understand how the Bible canon was determined, or which text (e.g. Masoretic vs. Septuagint, or Alexandrian vs. Byzantine) was even reliable, if any at all.
April 2016 was when I abandoned the sedevacantist position, and until February 2017 I was just trying to make head or tail about Christianity in general. I had an interest in Eastern Orthodoxy during the Summer of 2016, I became interested in Islam again in October 2016 (until I returned to Islam in February 2017), and then I couldn’t understand how the Bible canon was determined, or which text (e.g. Masoretic vs. Septuagint, or Alexandrian vs. Byzantine) was even reliable, if any at all.
At least you gave it a shot!

What sect of Islam do you subscribe to?
I follow the Shafii school of Jurisprudence and Ashari school of theology.
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Thank you good sir for a formal refutation. I’m glad to see that no matter the theories, the church still remains with Christs body at the altar 🙂
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I’m long retired now, but my last 3 years of face to face ministry was co-teaching RCIA.

I have long been delighted with the enthusiasm and desire to learn the Faith of you HS guided folks.

Here’s what you need to know:

VAtican II was a “Pastoral;” Council; meaning no NEW Doctrines were taught [and therefore commanded]

What it wrought though in PRACTICES which are by Law Changeable; and which were quite often duplicitously COMMANDED in error. GOOGLE the history of ENVIRONMENT and Art in Catholic Worship… now replaced by BUILT of LIVING STONES is having it’s intended effects by those who were behind its innovations.

BUT God Is in charge, and as He promised the gates of Hell shall not prevail ;Mt 16:18-19]

GET The Catechism of TRENT; Awesome and very Traditional

Respond to them that GOD GAVE ALL the Key’s to Heavens SINGLE GATE to Peter and PROTECTS that choice.

That the FACT that the RCC is 2,000 years old despite wars, persecutions and inside the Church duplicity. is evidence of the Presence of the HS as promised

And that it is NOT what the Council ACTUALLY said, but was ignored and innovateed that is the cause for concerns, so they logically have NO grounds on which to make their claims in a supportable manner.

John.14: [26] But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

John.17:17 to 20

"Sanctify THEM in the truth; thy word is truth. As thou didst send me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth. “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word”

God simply cannot lie

Pray very much
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