My df’s mom just offered to pay to send him to a semester at Ave Maria. She said if he goes to Ave Maria (in Florida) for the spring semester, she and his dad will pay everything. Their reasons were:
He has never liked Ave Maria. (Several friends go there and his sister wanted to go). So I can’t figure out why they chose that school.
His only reply at the time was “I’ll think about it.” All analzying aside, he asked me: what do I tell her?
How would you guys phrase it to her?
- He needs to be relaxed and not have too much responsibility. (He would have to quit his job and break his lease).
- He needs to try other thing out before deciding on one thing. (He is going to a secular private school for medicine and they want him to study in Theology at Ave Maria).
- He needs to date other women before marrying to make sure we are truly in love. (I guess our recent wedding planning, talking with our priest, choosing inviations, etc has prompted this part?)
He has never liked Ave Maria. (Several friends go there and his sister wanted to go). So I can’t figure out why they chose that school.
His only reply at the time was “I’ll think about it.” All analzying aside, he asked me: what do I tell her?
How would you guys phrase it to her?