Mom will *NOT* abort Downs Syndrome Baby

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Mom will not abort and she went to her dr’s appt today(9/1/04). Our group boughther a used car so she can keep her appts and continue college as she livesin a maternity home she will move to next week.Continue with prayers. Never know how she may be attacked.THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!GeriSHIELD OF ROSES PO Box 9053 Glendale CA 91226
Gosh when I was first approached about adopting this baby, I thought it was a hoax.

There are lists of people waiting to adopt down’s babies and even though we have an approved home study, I didn’t think it was legit. At the very least I expected to have a request for lots of money from the birth mom.

Shame on me.

That’s great. My husband recently assisted in the baptism of a Down’s Syndrom baby at our 10:15 Mass (Family Mass). I thought it was a great reminder to the sacredness of all life to those who were at Mass.😃
Is she planning on keeping the baby or giving it up for adoption. If she is planning on raising it, how unselfish of her. I wish her luck. But I wouldnt blame her if she had aborted the baby, to tell you the truth. Having a downs child can be very hard, and unlike most kids, they never leave home. I mean…what happens when the parents of special needs parents are gone? Where do these kids go? They often get frusterated and it can take quite a toll on a family. Im extremely close to a 5 year old autistic boy (they were neighbors until recently but we were like family). I love hima lot and he’s a very cute kid, however, he’s often frusterated, his parents are financially struggling to send him to a school that specializes in autism that was so far away they had to move and uproot their 10 year old daughter, who has major jealousy issues and its hard for her to make friends because they have trouble understanding him. (he’ll undress in front of them, etc) The family has been extremely sad (his moms a lawyer and his dads a doctor…there were high hopes for him) they’re pretty devastated and theyre often embarrassed because people stare when we go out in public and he’s loud or whatever. I mean, Im glad he wasnt aborted, but in cases like these, I dont know what kind of quality of life he’ll have when he’s older, and it’s certainly hurt their family. I dont want to sound like I think all special needs kids should be discarded, but keeping a child like that is quite an undertaking. I dont fault moms who feel they cant handle it, esp because adoption of these children isnt a good chance.
Siamese Cat, do you realize how many people are in line to adopt this child? Me included with 4 kids of my own.

You have no idea what a gift these people truly are. Yes, there are sacrifices but it is up to us to use these sacrifices for the glory and the love of God.

God can use all of us.

I would like to suggest that you know what you are talking about before you make such broad statements about people with Downs Syndrom. There are many high functioning adults who live entirely independently!!! They hold down full time jobs, pay there own bills, do their own shopping and house keeping. Autisium has nothing to do with Downs Syndrom at all, they are two completely dirfferent conditions, autisium cannot be diagnosed before birth, in many cases it is not diagnosed until the child is a toddler, or even a little older. Please don’t compare apples with oranges.
Why am I so passionate about this, my 1st cousin Sherry who is 45 yrs old has Downs Syndrom.
Linda H.
Many Down Syndrome and autistic people can live productive lives. But it’s not a guarentee. While its wonderful that many of you would adopt a child like this, I still think that many would not get adopted. Autism is not diagnosed before birth, in the case I know of it was discovered when he was 2. But its still a mental disabliity and if it was diagnosed prior to birth Im sure many people would terminate pregnancy as with down syndrome. Im not telling anyone to abort a special needs child…its wonderful if they feel they can make that sacrifice. Im just saying, it is understandable why some people choose this option.
Is she planning on keeping the baby or giving it up for adoption. If she is planning on raising it, how unselfish of her. I wish her luck. But I wouldnt blame her if she had aborted the baby, to tell you the truth. Having a downs child can be very hard, and unlike most kids, they never leave home. I mean…what happens when the parents of special needs parents are gone? Where do these kids go? They often get frusterated and it can take quite a toll on a family. Im extremely close to a 5 year old autistic boy (they were neighbors until recently but we were like family). I love hima lot and he’s a very cute kid, however, he’s often frusterated, his parents are financially struggling to send him to a school that specializes in autism that was so far away they had to move and uproot their 10 year old daughter, who has major jealousy issues and its hard for her to make friends because they have trouble understanding him. (he’ll undress in front of them, etc) The family has been extremely sad (his moms a lawyer and his dads a doctor…there were high hopes for him) they’re pretty devastated and theyre often embarrassed because people stare when we go out in public and he’s loud or whatever. I mean, Im glad he wasnt aborted, but in cases like these, I dont know what kind of quality of life he’ll have when he’s older, and it’s certainly hurt their family. I dont want to sound like I think all special needs kids should be discarded, but keeping a child like that is quite an undertaking. I dont fault moms who feel they cant handle it, esp because adoption of these children isnt a good chance.
God did not put us on this earth to have an easy life. He put us here to praise and love Him. Jesus did not have an easy life, nor did his mother Mary when she took on the task of saying yes to having a child when women were stoned to death for adultry.When He gives us challanges and hardships we are called to fulfill His will. When we do this we are living as true christian catholics. God bless this woman who is fulfilling His call.
I don’t know if I could have been that strong. I pray that I would have been.
I, for one, cannot understand why anyone would abort a child with Down Syndrome. Certainly, there are varying levels of DS, and many, many people with DS do lead very productive lives. There are many who are severely handicapped by DS as well, and their parents make great sacrifices for them.

At what point do we decide that a child with a pre-known medical condition is too difficult to allow to be born? My youngest brother has extremely severe allergies. These allergies imposed a financial drain on my family as we have sought ways to help him. I can’t imagine a prospective parent thinking Oh, he’ll be miserable half the year, every year, I think I should abort him instead. He’ll be happier that way.

I am a recovered alcoholic. If my parents had found out that I was going to be an alcoholic, should they have aborted me to avoid the grief they would experience during my dark, drunken days?

When my youngest daughter was born with DS, my Dad asked an interesting question, “What is normal?” Who among us is really normal? Which one of us can say they are perfectly healthy? Who are we to judge which children are worthy to be born and which are not?

If people wish to avoid a challenge, they should avoid becoming parents. I suspect the last child ever born who DIDN’T present a challenge to His parents was Jesus.
My wifes pregnant and she has to keep going for a bunch of tests. The last one she told me was to see if the baby had down syndrome. I told her she should go, but told her to tell the doctor we’re having it either way.
I turned down these tests with my first pregnancy. Before I had a chance to do the same thing in the second, I learned I was expecting twins. The doctor said that the test comes back positive (not good) in this case, even when both babies are normal.

Also, I know of two women in our parish, both in their forties who were told by different doctors that the preliminary and follow-up tests indicated their babies would have Downs Syndrome. Fortunately, both babies were born perfectly healthy.
Thank God for the mom who will not abort her Downs Syndrome baby. As a 38 yr old experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, due in late April, I have opted to forgo all the testing related to genetic disorders and downs syndrome. Of course, I pray my baby is healthy, but I have asked God to give me the strength and courage to accept things as they are and to do his will. This is a gift from God. Who are we to say what and who is perfect? I know that I am far from being perfect.:yup: My brother has a son who is “high functioning” autistic, and although he can be a bit eccentric at times, he gets along fairly well in society. He goes to a school for children with these special needs, which is out of the way from where we live, but it is a sacrafice he is willing to make for his son. As for the the couple who is a doctor and a lawyer with an autistic child, may God give them the courage and strength to raise this child in a loving home. As someone said previously in this post, God put us on this earth for his purposes, not for our own.
It is so nice to hear stories like this.

With my pregnancy I did not know what the MS maternal serum test was and took it but then I got the results and was told that my chances of a Downs Child were high and was sent for counselling and was being sent for an amniocentisis. At this point I told the counsellor at the hospital thanks for your help but no thanks to further testing, this is my baby and no matter what nothing is going to change that. Well ds was born normal.
Well due to health issues we are still trying for #2. However now that I am 35 I know they will push the amnio, however this time around no testing.
I do have one question for other parents with DS children. Have you had more children since? And do any of those children have DS? Our daughter’s pediatrician told us that our chances of having another child with DS go up once we’ve had one. We’d like to have more children, but we’re concerned about the possibility of having more kids with DS. Thanks.
I’m due with my sixth child in late February. At the ultra sound they told me he may have downs syndrome. I can’t tell you how many people asked me if I was going to abort! Of course not. And, TBH, I wasn’t even going to get the blood tests done but I’m having a homebirth and the midwives really wanted to know what to expect. So I had them. My son does not have downs syndrome but I would not have loved him less if he did. I didn’t pray for him to be “healthy” I prayed that we, as a family, could handle whatever God sent our way. Of course it wouldn’t be easy. I am married to a type one diabetic with epilepsy. He doesn’t care for himself very well so alot of responsibility falls on me. That’s life, eh?
It doesn’t matter how “productive” or independent a person is, they still have the right to live. A child should never be aborted simply because it will be difficult to raise them and live with them. How selfish is that??? Our society is so warped.
Mom will not abort and she went to her dr’s appt today(9/1/04). Our group boughther a used car so she can keep her appts and continue college as she livesin a maternity home she will move to next week.Continue with prayers. Never know how she may be attacked.THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!GeriSHIELD OF ROSES PO Box 9053 Glendale CA 91226
God bless her, the child has a soul regardless of what it looks like.
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