I kinda forgot the thread – a very similar one started up over in Moral Theology
The moment you say that one person’s morals can be better than another’s, you are measuring them both by a standard, saying one of them conforms more closely to that standard than the other. A standard which measures two things is something different than those things.
Yes – that’s ethics. Note that I’m not taking into account particular mores, but
reasoning. I say objectivism is a ‘better’ moral code than utilitarianism not because it is closer to mine (it isn’t, by a long shot) but because it has a far firmer foundation. I generally agree much more with a utilitarian, but the method used to reach our shared conclusions is what I have a problem with.
Man has (as far as is knowable by us) always known that there is an absolute, universally applicable, moral code. The question is, does this code already exist in toto, or does it evolve?
Have we? Absolutism honestly seems to be a pretty recent development in moral philosophy. History is full of examples of people applying thoroughly relativist principles. Consider the practice of slavery: I’m not sure there’s any culture which
hasn’t done it. Yet would any one of those people have sold themselves into slavery, assuming no pressure?
Even the Bible shows that there was no want of wiggle-room in the old days. The children of Adam and Eve obviously weren’t subject to an absolute prohibition on incest, or humanity would’ve been a very short-lived species; Abraham got away with marrying his half-sister; Jacob the liar and cheat never saw any consequences or indeed even loss of regard for screwing Esau over
twice; although Moses was punished for striking the rock at Horeb, water still flowed; ‘Thou shalt not kill’ got divinely suspended when it came time to exterminate the populace of Jericho, man, woman, and child; the Maccabees abandoned the practice of the Sabbath in order to wage war. All in all, pretty situational.
Now that you and I know better, we may say that the story of Adam implies some pretty screwed-up things, Abraham was wrong, Jacob was wrong, Moses should’ve known better (temper, temper), Jericho was an utter atrocity, and the Maccabees violated an absolute principle we don’t happen to follow. But in light of all those examples, and all those from every other culture on the face of the earth, I don’t think we have much of a case for ‘we’ve always known there was an absolute moral code’.
If the code itself evolves then it cannot be absolute and universal. If it does not evolve, only our understanding and application of it, then those interested parties (like me and you) who are curious enough to ask, should now inquire as to the source of this absolute and universally applicable code.
I do agree that man’s understanding of an absolute, universally applicable moral code evolves through man’s interaction with man. Of course I would also say that it evolves through man’s interaction with God as well.
I agree with you completely on the evolution of morals; however, I don’t subscribe to the Plato’s Heaven situation you seem to imply. I don’t think there’s some Ur-Ethic floating around: ethics are simply part of what makes us human. It’s more an ontological thing to me – ethics are independent of everything except the mind. We can reason up solid ethics that can be very good things or very bad things
from other points of view – case in point, objectivism. I find it abhorrent, but I have to admit it makes sense (if you’re a totally selfish jerk).
So who’s got the right morals? I do, of course!
But according to you,
you do – and never will we be able to convince each other! And that’s kind of the beauty of it.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Tho I can see why Christianity’s faulty understanding and even more faulty application of it at times, might make it seem that they
are mutually exclusive. Christianity’s concept of God (if there is one
) is that He is not just *solid *reasoning, but
perfected reasoning. Reasonable Christians hold no illusions about their faults when understanding or applying God’s reasoning.
They aren’t
necessarily mutually exclusive. The ‘founded on solid reasoning’ bit hurts when you have a deity who asks you to take his existence and ethics on faith, though.