Moral dilemma regarding abortion access

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Binary, schminary! There is nothing difficult about God’s Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”

Think whatever you like, but please do not pass off your beliefs as being what the Catholic Church teaches.
I have no idea what you are talking about because I never said anything about church teachings in my post. I believe in Thou shall not kill. So do you believe because a woman has a 95% chance of dying, we should wait as long as we can before aborting. What if she dies…it cannot be reversed. Do you get to tell her family this? Clearly there are cases where there is agonizing over whether the odds are worth not risking the mother’s life… Again, I’m not arguing the case for the church but for the law of the land… What if the mother isn’t a catholic and wants to get better odds on living…do we have the right to tell her no? These are deep philosophical questions that do not have simplistic answers. Thats the ONLY point I was making.
The accountability is on society to treat the child with respect if she won’t. I’m in a country with no law at all. We can’t even begin to have a conversation about the rights of the unborn because of the presumption that as soon as the unborn have the right to life the mother must give hers up.
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