That absolute morality doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that we can’t agree on what is right wrong.
Without absolute morality, nothing is “right” or “wrong”, we just
think it’s right or wrong. You and I might agree on what’s right and wrong, but I bet we don’t agree with the Iranian ayatollahs, North Korean dictator, or even hardened criminals in the West.
Without reference to God, what basis have we tell them they are wrong? It is just presumptive on our part. As the postmodernists would say, our morality is just part of the “oppressive racist patriarchy used to further white supremacy.” And why are the postmodernists wrong? Without God,
they aren’t wrong,
we just think they are wrong. This is a big difference.
If the only reason anyone could give not to murder innocents was ‘God has told me it’s wrong’ then we’re in a lot of trouble.
If that’s the only reason, and no good people are around to enforce justice, then sure, we’re in trouble. But conversely, what if there is no just God, and people are the
only reason not to murder innocents? They tried that in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, and are trying it today in North Korea and China. It was truly horrible.
Wouldn’t it have been nice if Stalin or Hitler had been afraid of eternal hellfire? There was nothing else they had to be afraid of. Stalin died of illness in his late age. The world would have been an enormously better place if they had genuine fear of God. So, too, the world would be better if more criminals had fear of God, because guess what – a solid fraction of murderers even in USA aren’t caught and aren’t punished.
What if I tell you that God wants me to do something you consider wrong? How do we tell if you’re right or I am?
Now you are actually into substantive argument. What is the absolute morality? I believe it’s the law of the Torah and of Christ, but for that I can give you no bulletproof rational basis, except that I
hope so because the only other laws which exist are horrifying (Islam, postmodernism, communism). And atheism presents no laws at all, so it offers absolutely no morality, so it is fully compatible without everything horrifying.
And it would be helpful if you could name some of these atheists that have such influence. That actually affect the way we live our lives. That would be interesting to discuss.
Stalin was a quite influential atheist. Today, Christopher Hitchens, Dawkins, Sam Harris, Sean Carroll, are all highly influential. 1/3 of college students have no religions affiliation. Atheism is not some small movement.