There are no official rules, the rules for your chapel are set by the priest who is in charge.My point is that all adoration should be silent with no out loud Rosary, music, singing and such. Ours features two adult musicians.
I have been to week long retreats that took place during Adoration each evening. There are groups who meet and pray, do chaplets (like Rosaries or DMCs) who sing, the Charismatic Conferences like the Steubenville Youth Conferences have Adoration with music and much vocal prayer. A Charismatic faith healer came to our town, they did their event of a concert and preaching and praying/laying on of hands/falling out with the Eucharist exposed.
For me, silence is the most comfortable.
Please, make an appointment with the pastor. If he refuses to meet with you, google the name of your Diocese and “RCIA”. This will link you to a contact person who oversees RCIA programs from the Diocese level. Ask them to help you find a program.I desire to be treated in a welcoming manner even though non Catholics are supposed to be welcome
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