Morality of Abortion

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I just saw a video of Obama talking about abortion as a “Moral Issue”

Do you agree it is a Moral issue or is it a Federal Issue? Do you think Abortion is not between the Mother, Father, and God, but between the Mother, Father, Uncle Sam, and God?

I guess if you think Abortion is the murder of a human life with rights, it would be Federal Issue. But it seems that the majority of Americans think it is more of a Moral issue than a Federal issue and they shouldn’t impose their beliefs on others. Thus the dilemma. What are your thoughts?
In reality, abortion is both a moral issue and a Federal issue. Abortion is always a moral issue. It is a Federal issue in the terms of legality, and I suspect it always will be. Even if Roe v. Wade is ever overturned, there will be people fighting to have abortion legalized again. So, IMO, it will never be an either-or issue. 🤷
It is both.

BTW, overturnig Roe v. Wade will not make abortions illegal, just turn the decision back to the states.
I agree it’s both. The thing that the proabortion and “personally opposed, but’s” will not acknowledge, and it drives me NUTS :mad: , is that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life. In no other circumstance do we leave the “choice” to take an innocent life up to the “person and God”. We’re not allowed to kill our born children (yet, anyway, although some do propose this, if they’re “defective”), we’re not allowed to kill our neighbor, who may be a horrible person, even a child abuser, we’re not even allowed to kill bona fide murderers, only “the State” can, and not even most of them. Yet somehow, that it’s THE TAKING OF A HUMAN LIFE of the unborn child totally escapes those who want to frame it as “I don’t want to force my beliefs on others/we can’t legislate morality”. We certaintly have no problems legislating morality in other cases of killing, and even stealing (that’s a commandment too, isn’t it? :rolleyes: ). It is SO illogical it’s maddening.

In Christ,

Pshaw! Do we go around asking if rape is a moral issue or a federal issue?

The scramble to tag abortion under the religion category is simply a desire to make it undesirable to debate/change, along with Catholics, and therefore to continue promoting abortion for every woman, at every age, for every reason…as long as they or the government can pay up.
All laws are a reflection of a moral choice. The laws against theft, murder and rape are expressions of morality. The laws against vandalism are an expression of morality. Discuss any law and ultimately it can be climed that it is the imposition of someone’s morality on all.
Yes, abortion is a moral issue. It is the murder of the most helpless in our society.
Deacon Ed B
I just saw a video of Obama talking about abortion as a “Moral Issue”

Do you agree it is a Moral issue or is it a Federal Issue? Do you think Abortion is not between the Mother, Father, and God, but between the Mother, Father, Uncle Sam, and God?

I guess if you think Abortion is the murder of a human life with rights, it would be Federal Issue. But it seems that the majority of Americans think it is more of a Moral issue than a Federal issue and they shouldn’t impose their beliefs on others. Thus the dilemma. What are your thoughts?
This thread is about to be deleted…or the OP edited.

Thanks for the link… I will listen to it.
In this video we have illustrated the amazing contortions through which some members of the Democrat Party will put themselves through in order to maintain their slavish devotion to abortion. In Obama, we have the twisted irony of a black man whose party claims to defend the underprivileged and the vulnerable stepping aside to expose the most vulnerable of all to death for the sake of mere convenience.

The faux concern of a few whose angst compels them to wonder whether or not this is or should be a federal issue is a distraction at best. The thing that must be understood is that it does not matter what principle or argument we use to end the practice of abortion, only that we end it. When the wholesale slaughter of the innocent is the issue, neither God nor good sense will anguish over whatever means Christians use to achieve the necessary good end in preventing this barbarism.
The disturbing part is this. If I hit someone with my car and that someone dies and that someone just happens to be pregnant, I will be charged with 2 counts of manslaughter. but if that someone goes in to an abortuary she can kill her own baby and not be charged with anything.
Now, if that someone lives and her baby dies as a result of the accident that is clearly my fault, I am also charged with manslaughter:eek: and I go to jail.
To ucb4ume - What you pointed out is the inconstancy and incongruity of their logic, yet they are too myopic to see their own errors.
Deacon Ed B
Morality of abortion is an absolute oxy-moron. Perhaps the most absolute oxy-moron I ever heard. Roanoker
I agree it’s both. The thing that the proabortion and “personally opposed, but’s” will not acknowledge, and it drives me NUTS :mad: , is that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life.
Yes. If it’s not wrong, why would anyone be “personally opposed?” I guess the next question for someone taking that stand is “Why are you personally opposed to abortion?”
Abortion is indeed a moral issue, but that doesn’t mean that government has no buisness in it. Murder is a moral issue, drinking while driving is a moral issue, theft is a moral issue. As St. Thomas Aquinas put it, government ought not force virtue by criminalizing vice. (as is the case with alcohol). But it is legitimate to criminalize vice if it harms society or the collective (drinking while driving).

So, does abortion harm society? Duh, it kills people. Therefore, it ought to be illegal.
I just saw a video of Obama talking about abortion as a “Moral Issue”

Do you agree it is a Moral issue or is it a Federal Issue? Do you think Abortion is not between the Mother, Father, and God, but between the Mother, Father, Uncle Sam, and God?

I guess if you think Abortion is the murder of a human life with rights, it would be Federal Issue. But it seems that the majority of Americans think it is more of a Moral issue than a Federal issue and they shouldn’t impose their beliefs on others. Thus the dilemma. What are your thoughts?
The unborn child is as much a living human being as you or I. It has the same right to live that we have – and to kill it is as much murder as it would be to kill you or I.
It is both.

BTW, overturnig Roe v. Wade will not make abortions illegal, just turn the decision back to the states.
If that ever happens, I can tell ya what will happen in Alabama- A tough law would be in the books in a year.
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