Morality of Medical Marijuana

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Hello everyone, so I am an 18 year old male, and have never tried marijuana or any drugs really in my life, but many people I know are Urging me to give marijuana a try for my anxiety. I have no problems throughout the day, but at night time my brain gets flooded with thoughts, I try to pray or clear my mind but nothing works, it has been going on for a long time, and it has affected my attendance at school drastically, my work efficiency, and my daily routine which is changed everyday because of my erratic sleeping problems caused by anxiety. I would have no purpose of doing this drug to get high or just to do it, I simply want to try a new approach after the medication and therapy I’ve been through that hasn’t worked. And of course if it’s immoral I wont hesitate to attempt to try something else, but this seems like a last resort that has worked for many people I know.
Medical advice is forbidden on this forum. It’s between you, your doctor and your priest.
Sorry about that. Just wanted to know morality regarding the use of it
My physician is against CBC, thc, everything around it. He’s kind of old school. And his main patients are little kids I don’t see him anymore though so that’s probably why he doesn’t have much of a draw towards it’s because his patients are so young and that’s never been applicable to kids
Why not just drink? If you have anxiety, then seek a proper diagnosis and apply the appropriate treatment.

How much smoking is good? “Friends” want acceptance. They want you to join them. That is a danger signal.

If you have genuine anxiety, the gold standard in drug-free anxiety treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There are Catholic counselors and therapists who provide it, and it can even be done over the phone. Millions have been helped by it. It frees up your peace, and does not drug your mind.

Sorry about that. Just wanted to know morality regarding the use of it
Think about this.

Wheat & Tares (Weed).

Which one do you want?

There are things you may be doing (or are surrounded with) which is causing your anxiety. Try this:

Music before going to bed:

Turn off any other media, turn off the lights and just listen.

Audio Book, same advice, turn off everything else, lights, close the eyes and just listen and think on the words being spoken:

You might need a Media fast:

I notice that you are attempting to pray. Fast from Media for 30 days., and include prayer. You will be victorious.
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These are work friends. I don’t associate with these people outside of work, their habits have no influence on me, they just made a suggestion
Definitely don’t try just smoking weed off your own bat, not prescribed by a doctor. Weed is dangerous stuff to play around with nowadays, it’s super strong and you have no idea where the stuff you get is coming from or what it’s laced with. Smoking weed can cause a lot of mental health problems. If your doctor prescribes it, that’s between you and him, and the stuff he gives you will likely be a lot milder than what you’ll get off a drug dealer. Assuming you’re somewhere it’s illegal. Even if it is legal where you live, doing it without consulting your doctor is not a good idea. Weed is addictive to some people too. You won’t hear a lot of the negative things I’m saying from people who are pro-weed, but I’ve seen enough people be very negatively affected, and some lives ruined, by weed.

My suggestion - examine your life and see if you can p(name removed by moderator)oint any causes for your anxiety. It usually has a source. Things like excessive media, social media, phone, gaming, pornography, etc. And try to develop a good, structured prayer life. 🙂
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I suggest you talk to a good endocrinologist.
This isn’t really in the endocrinology lane.

Anyway, OP: if you have anxiety, as others have mentioned you need to seek medical advice from professionals, not some guy from work. Perhaps you need to see a therapist.
Hello everyone, so I am an 18 year old male, and have never tried marijuana or any drugs really in my life, but many people I know are Urging me to give marijuana a try for my anxiety. I have no problems throughout the day, but at night time my brain gets flooded with thoughts, I try to pray or clear my mind but nothing works, it has been going on for a long time, and it has affected my attendance at school drastically, my work efficiency, and my daily routine which is changed everyday because of my erratic sleeping problems caused by anxiety. I would have no purpose of doing this drug to get high or just to do it, I simply want to try a new approach after the medication and therapy I’ve been through that hasn’t worked. And of course if it’s immoral I wont hesitate to attempt to try something else, but this seems like a last resort that has worked for many people I know.
It’s not up to you to decide to take that drug. Only a doctor can decide that for you.
The Church has no issues with a drug that is prescribed by a doctor so it is moral.
You simply deciding to take it without consulting with a doctor and the doctor prescribing it would be immoral and a sin.

CCC 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
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You are under care of a physician so that’s who you should listen to.
Why not just drink?
Whaaat? No, see a doctor. The one you are seeing sounds like a pediatrician. See a doctor for adults. And maybe get counseling for your anxiety before resorting to any kind of drugs.
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