The situation in Ireland is calamitous as the Church stands at present . I recently read that there are no transitional deacons in the forthcoming Maynooth academic year so there will be no priests ordained from there in 2021 and that there is only one candidate for the diaconate in 2021 and if he perseveres, he will be the only priest in 2022. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this information, but its days as a seminary must be in doubt, This press report of 2016 blew the lid off the place and I suspect many young men were frightened off studying there.Hopefully you will also get some more young Irish-born priests going forward. I feel it has been picking up a little bit here the last few years. About 10 years ago there were fewer.
I do not think so, though I may be shown to be wrong. Certainly the ICKSP send all their men to Gricigliano near Florence (and indeed ICKSP Limerick is sending at least one Irishman this year) and now having established an Apostolate in Belfast, any candidates from that will head that way also. I don`t know enough about FSSP SSPX or The Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri presence in the country.Are there any good, well-run and more traditional seminaries in Ireland?