Mormonism is either solipsism, or chaos.

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P.s. I’ve NEVER heard of a girl, whose name was Jason!

P.p.s. Now I don’t know about you “Exporter,” but the Holy Spirit has never led me astray into calling another Christian Brother a girl.
I’m having a really bad week, that’s all… (it’s only begun, too! oh my!!! :eek: )

I just noticed that you voted for Bush… good job. To be honest I thought you were some kind of a relativistic liberal in disguise giving me a hard time… But you’re cool after all. 😃

sorry if I seemed rather harsh.

and God love you.


(that’s, Jason = he)
I know this comes as way too late for anyone to notice, but here goes:

If you were to take the Mormon god and the god above him and the god above him and the god above him on to infinity upwards and then take all the future gods our Earth god would cultivate into infinity and wrapped them all up into one, they would still be as small to our God as a grain of sand is to us. Why? Because infinity minus any amount no matter how large is still infinity. The Mormon gods are all finite. They all have birthdays. This makes them infinitely smaller than the Judeo-Christian God. There is no change in size, strength, intelligence or love that they can preform that will ever bring them on par with our God BECAUSE THE GAP IS INFINITELY LARGE. To be an infinity, you cannot start with a finite amount, you can only be an infinity (or, more accurately, you can only have always been being an infinity).

I inflict on you a passage from Wisdom:

“Before the LORD the whole universe is as a grain from a balance or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth.” (11:22)

You kids and your rollerblades and go-gurt!
Whew! Awesome! Truly, truly I say unto thee, awesome!

:bowdown: that is totaly what I was trying to say… I think. Or something like that… No, no: what you’ve said goes beyond my intellectual capacity.

I mean like, I could see, in my mind, that a finite couldn’t cross an infinite; and maybe I could even work that out into an elementary math equation. But you’ve gone into the heart of the matter, and completely ripped out the beast’s heart. you rock, friend. :cool:

I hereby pronounce you the new Luke (or Lucy?) Skywalker who came in and blasted the Deathstar into nothingness, with that genius shot.👍

God bless.

P.s. Is it wrong that I’m struggling with jealousy, at this moment?
JASON ( love-bias),

Now that you have yourself exercised, why not finish it right now. Go on , you’ll feel better. You probably have lots of practice in attempting to support your position by ripping the personality and intellect of anyone who may tell you the truth as they see it. Yes, I got that from my father’s bookshelf, ha ha. I used “she” because your name Love-Bias sounded feminine to me. BTW, I am Bill, a man.

**I first was aquainted with solipsism when I had to read Kant in a second year Philosophy class. I may know what it encompasses. **As I remember **: solopsism **in philosophy, formerly, in an epistemological sense, the extreme form of subjective idealism that denies that the human mind has any valid ground for believing in the existence of anything but itself.

I have been a Roman Catholic for almost 50 years, but I do know a few things about Mormon doctrine and belief. The original question was “:Mormonism is either solipsism or chaos”. But the thread became diverted into just a conversation, that was my point!

Possibly you would say that Joseph Smith, in “reading” the golden tablets was using only his senses (i.e., only his mind) to learn what was transcribed as The Book of Mormon. He had no heavenly help, he used only his human mind. Since Joseph was illiterate, he said he used a special pair of spectacles to help him read the golden pages. He turned down the offer from an expert in hyrogliphics , who lived in Philidelphia, to see and interpret even one page. Since Smith could not write, he hid behind a sheet placed over a door so a man that could write could hear him.

But, just a minute, suppose the golden tablets were written by a great man called Moroni, and Moroni had that information handed to him, etc. The information had to come from somewhere, where did it come from?

If you asked about Mormonism, and you did, then we are talking about just where did Joseph Smith get his information, right? To be strict we have to say that Smith was using only his brain to get the words for the Book of Mormon. He had no communication with a heavenly being, therefore Mormonism is solipsism.
Thank you for your post, “Exporter.”

Honestly I wasn’t speaking of History. If you look back to my original post, I said no History. “Revelation” falls into History.

And I didn’t ask any questions. I posted my argument, and waited for apposing arguments. I really did try my hardest to be nice to each and every person.

I know I’ve been harsh and completely uncharitable. Please forgive me for that. It is something I need to work on.

The thing is, it sometimes feels like “intellectuals” are slamming the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Sheep’s faces. They all seem to enjoy sounding smart; and they use “big words,” so that whenever some innocent and uneducated soul tries to understand and figure thigns out, the entrance is shut and sealed tightly, as with a sign reading: your socioeconomic position excludes you from fathoming the mysteries of the Universe. When truth be told, all we need is logic. We don’t need “big words.”

“Big words” and “higher education,” in my humble opinion, are disgusting tools to keep the real, pure human beings down, grovelling helplessly on the floor, while the sadistic eggheads supposedly control the Universe.

I’m just so sick of that. That’s all.

I really am sorry that I tore into you like that. Please forgive me, Bill.

Apology accepted.

One of the more difficult tasks we attempt is to make our thoughts flow through the hand on to paper ( or screen, in this case), then expect another person with a different background to read our words, process them and understand exactly what we were thinking originally. This is difficult. Short sentances may be in order.

At the U.S. Military Acadamy (West Point) the first semester in English class is spent in writing short (200 words) expository and descriptive papers. Without practice this is diffucult. Simple directions for simple tasks need concentration. Can you write directions for the following and if another person followed them, were they sucessful? How to start the car and back into the street, how to make a bed or how to load and fire a shotgun. I have seen each of these mangled. I suppose in the military it is important to write for clearity!

The point is while one is writing it is easy to assume the reader will have the same view point as the writer. If someone starts his thought at a point in time, he should be explicit and point this out otherwise the reader may be understanding something the writer did not intend.

A good excercise is to write a paper on the philosophical implications of the use of the words “should” and “could”. Hint, the Englishman Bradley, wrote in an ethical paper on the words. How about it love-bias, can you help all of us out a bit?
Apology accepted…

…A good excercise is to write a paper on the philosophical implications of the use of the words “should” and “could”. Hint, the Englishman Bradley, wrote in an ethical paper on the words. How about it love-bias, can you help all of us out a bit?
Thank you very much for accepting my apology, that means a lot to me. I was literally stressing out about this for this last bit of time.

Indeed I tried to apologize, and even still it was probably not as well as I could have done.

Anyway, can I comment on “could” and “should?”

Well I’ll split them up, because they are two entirely different things.

Could: this has two possible implications.
  1. It relates to existence of conscious beings, which have the capability of choice. “Could” relates to that which currently is not. That is, such which is currently not, unless beings change that, based on conscious choice*. *The way I see it in this first implication, “could” is like a fence that we stand upon, which does not change: the only thing that changes is what we might do, regarding “directions” and so forth, from this “fence.” For example, "She could if she chose to."
  2. The second implication is, I believe: that which a being does not currently know (about). For example, "Bush could win the election, if things (which we *do not currently know ***(about)) end up that way."**
(This is extra, and free of charge :twocents: 🙂 Also, “could” (it seems to me) is a word which includes both atheism, and theism, because:
  1. Without theism, (chaotic) events are unknown–hence, the second implication applies. (but learn this, atheists: certainly not the first one applies! 😦 )
  2. With theism, both apply: for, we have choice (the first implication then applies); and we have a mysterious Cause of our existence that does things unbeknownst to us (the second implication then applies, too).

Should: This has one, and only one implication, which refers entirely to “health.” I think “health” is entirely what “should” describes, when we really get down to it.

From what I know, I think Socrates was one of the first to become famous for his constant philosophical implications on “how is that good for us?” (Or somethig like that)

And when I say “health,” I’m not limiting myself to the health of existing beings. (Though of course, I believe all non-living things exist only for living beings’ health, but in anycase:) “Should” describes as well, objects and so forth. ("Objective goals")

Please let me give two examples for the two: living beings (i.e. us), and non-living objects (i.e. “goals”):
  1. **“If you wish to not exist eternally in a state of depression and misery, you should seek the counsel and accord of others.” **(health of living beings: us)
  2. **“If you wish the circle block to fit into the hole, then please, you really should try the circle hole, instead of the square hole.” **(“health” of non-living objects: “goals”)
Now I suppose I’ll need to difine “health.” Whew boy… this is good, “Exporter.” lol. 😃

hmm… okay, I’ll use only one definition, per each of the two listed above, since I don’t suppose a blanket statement could cover two differing matters:
  1. (For us) Health of living beings, would be related to happiness. Now when it comes to “happiness,” I find myself entering a blind abyss where I can no longer speak. “It is what it is,” would apply here. This is where I would rely on something I truly believe exists among and in anyone who may be reading this: I think there are certain concepts which are innate, and need no explanation–thank God, because they can’t be explained! :o
  2. (For “goals”) Now when it comes to “health” of non-living objects: a concept comes to my mind, and I hope others will see it with me: FLOW. Also, another concept: MATCHING. Additionally:* AGREEMENT.* And: FUNCTIONING. This all is based on what I consider to be the concept of *logic, *or, “that which is, and is “recognized” as such.” (In other words, “nature undisturbed.”) Imagine a river flowing: then someone damns it up. To do so wasn’t “healthy” for the non-living object, in terms of “original purposes” (i.e original purposes = original states of being) The same could be true with the block, and the hole: let’s say originally there was already a circle block in a circle hole, and then someone took out this circle block, and tried putting it into a square hole. Well, there again: such isn’t “healthy” for the non-living object, in terms of “original purposes.” It doesn’t flow; 'tis an illogical “goal.”
I hope I’m not babbling here… this is actually pretty difficult. 🤓

So I guess that’s it. Supposing I could take the “healthy” and logical stand off from my fence, then I should successfully complete my given task, fit in, and be happy. 🙂

God bless you Bill. And again, thank you for accepting my apology. Call me crazy but I’m not relieved you accepted my apology for reasons of perhaps “getting kicked off of the forums,” for I really don’t care too much about that prospect. I could always make it back. But I’m simply glad that I have made peace with another soul.

Maybe I should find a wife to calm me down a bit… lol. :hmmm: But could I?

Peace, and God bless you, good soul.

:coffee: jason
Englishman Bradley, eh?

I’ll look into him.

God bless, ol’ chap.

:tiphat: jason
should be fun, educational…
i do agree with that Love Bias… thats what we’re all here for to learn about God, Jesus Christ…our lord and savior…


God Bless

love-bias said:
“deltaguy” regarding your “finally” post, I’ll respond tomorrow. I won’t be able to access the internet until tomorrow. I have to leave at this moment.

Additionally, I’ll be (hopefully) concluding my argument against fallacy–whoops, I mean, my argument against Mormonism.

So, I thank any “audience” I have reading this stuff, for reading and hanging on.

Until tomorrow, God bless you, my readers!!!

p.s. go ahead and take a stab at it too, if you want to. (Either for or against)

This should be fun! It’s educational! So no frowns, from anyone!

🙂 jason
Jason, jason… what can i say… you are a very argumentative person…might i add…

quote quote: Find you a wife Jason… you need to calm down a bit on this board…because I know ur doing a good thing here… but just please dont get urself kicked off…but if u ever need help calming down… ill be here to set u straight…
God Bless Ya


I hope I’m not babbling here… this is actually pretty difficult. 🤓

So I guess that’s it. Supposing I could take the “healthy” and logical stand off from my fence, then I should successfully complete my given task, fit in, and be happy. 🙂

God bless you Bill. And again, thank you for accepting my apology. Call me crazy but I’m not relieved you accepted my apology for reasons of perhaps “getting kicked off of the forums,” for I really don’t care too much about that prospect. I could always make it back. But I’m simply glad that I have made peace with another soul.

Maybe I should find a wife to calm me down a bit… lol. :hmmm: But could I?

Peace, and God bless you, good soul.

:coffee: jason
Jason, jason… what can i say… you are a very argumentative person…might i add…

quote quote: Find you a wife Jason… you need to calm down a bit on this board…because I know ur doing a good thing here… but just please dont get urself kicked off…but if u ever need help calming down… ill be here to set u straight…
God Bless Ya


I hope I’m not babbling here… this is actually pretty difficult. 🤓

So I guess that’s it. Supposing I could take the “healthy” and logical stand off from my fence, then I should successfully complete my given task, fit in, and be happy. 🙂

God bless you Bill. And again, thank you for accepting my apology. Call me crazy but I’m not relieved you accepted my apology for reasons of perhaps “getting kicked off of the forums,” for I really don’t care too much about that prospect. I could always make it back. But I’m simply glad that I have made peace with another soul.

Maybe I should find a wife to calm me down a bit… lol. :hmmm: But could I?

Peace, and God bless you, good soul.

:coffee: jason
Jason, jason… what can i say… you are a very argumentative person…might i add…

quote quote: Find you a wife Jason… you need to calm down a bit on this board…because I know ur doing a good thing here… but just please dont get urself kicked off…but if u ever need help calming down… ill be here to set u straight…
God Bless Ya


I hope I’m not babbling here… this is actually pretty difficult. 🤓

So I guess that’s it. Supposing I could take the “healthy” and logical stand off from my fence, then I should successfully complete my given task, fit in, and be happy. 🙂

God bless you Bill. And again, thank you for accepting my apology. Call me crazy but I’m not relieved you accepted my apology for reasons of perhaps “getting kicked off of the forums,” for I really don’t care too much about that prospect. I could always make it back. But I’m simply glad that I have made peace with another soul.

Maybe I should find a wife to calm me down a bit… lol. :hmmm: But could I?

Peace, and God bless you, good soul.

:coffee: jason
thank you Dayna…

Trust in God, and sail the seas of renewing waters in Christ, being guided by the winds of the Holy Spirit.

I too will try to do the same. 🙂

Your brother in Christ, who loves you very much,

The thing is, it sometimes feels like “intellectuals” are slamming the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Sheep’s faces. They all seem to enjoy sounding smart; and they use “big words,” so that whenever some innocent and uneducated soul tries to understand and figure thigns out, the entrance is shut and sealed tightly, as with a sign reading: your socioeconomic position excludes you from fathoming the mysteries of the Universe. When truth be told, all we need is logic. We don’t need “big words.”

“Big words” and “higher education,” in my humble opinion, are disgusting tools to keep the real, pure human beings down, grovelling helplessly on the floor, while the sadistic eggheads supposedly control the Universe.

I’m just so sick of that.

hey by the way… :o :o :o

I know many good, wonderful and truly blessed souls who use “big words.” Don’t you dare cut that out now!!!

Knowledge is extremely related to power. In a sense, knowledge *is *power.

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”

It’s all in how you use it…

(I’m very sorry if I offended anyone with my statement… I’m poor, and I have to work on my bias against rich people… lol, nothing wrong in being rich I suppose: it’s all in how you use it…)

God bless everyone reading this; and God please bless everyone doubly who has the courage to respond to anything I have to say… considering that they may get slapped in the face by my bodacious assertations!

:o :o 🙂

Why thank you Jason…
glad you see it my way…
and btw,
we all miss you back home…

and I love ya back…

God Bless You…
thank you Dayna…

Trust in God, and sail the seas of renewing waters in Christ, being guided by the winds of the Holy Spirit.

I too will try to do the same. 🙂

Your brother in Christ, who loves you very much,

glad you see it my way…
btw …we all miss you back in
NC…and hope to see you soon.

I love ya back…

God Bless You
thank you Dayna…

Trust in God, and sail the seas of renewing waters in Christ, being guided by the winds of the Holy Spirit.

I too will try to do the same. 🙂

Your brother in Christ, who loves you very much,

glad you see it my way…
Find you a wife Jason… you need to calm down a bit on this board…because I know ur doing a good thing here… but just please dont get urself kicked off…but if u ever need help calming down… ill be here to set u straight…
Your brother in Christ
:confused: (brother) :confused:
Peace be with you Jason.
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#2 October 18, 2004, 05:52 PM
Exporter vbmenu_register(“postmenu_249913”, true);
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Join Date: August 7, 2004
Location: Deep South Texas, McAllen
Posts: 569 Re: my first Mass yesterday
Jason, you thanked all of us, but thank God for Jesus and what He did for us, did you know that Jesus was actually there at the Mass?

I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean*.*** G.K. Chesterton : Do what your supposed to do…when your supposed to do it. Bear Bryant**
Location: Deep South Texas

#39 October 31, 2004, 10:42 PM
Exporter vbmenu_register(“postmenu_276118”, true);
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Join Date: August 7, 2004
Location: Deep South Texas, McAllen
Posts: 569 Re: Mormonism is either solipsism, or chaos.
I am a late-comer to this thread, but after having read 90% of the posts I conclude that Love-Bias intended to show some aquaintance with what she thought was an interesting topic.

PaulDupre and StubbleSpeak offered the only informative posts in my opinion. Actually it seems that Love-Bias just wanted some “correspondance”. Solipsism is not found in the Catholic Encyclopedia, therefore, I find it irrevalent in this context.(see original post).

May I suggest that spending some time reading St. Thomas Aquinas would be more productive. He is practical…and Catholic.

I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean*.*** G.K. Chesterton : Do what your supposed to do…when your supposed to do it. Bear Bryant**
Location: Deep South Texas

Jason you should have turned the other cheek. Don’t allow Satan to bring death by your passions.

:blessyou: October 18, 2004, 05:52 PM
Exporter vbmenu_register(“postmenu_249913”, true);
Senior Member
Join Date: August 7, 2004
Location: Deep South Texas, McAllen
Posts: 569 Re: my first Mass yesterday
Jason, you thanked all of us, but thank God for Jesus and what He did for us, did you know that Jesus was actually there at the Mass?

I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean*.*** G.K. Chesterton : Do what your supposed to do…when your supposed to do it. Bear Bryant**
Location: Deep South Texas

#39 October 31, 2004, 10:42 PM
Exporter vbmenu_register(“postmenu_276118”, true);
Senior Member
Join Date: August 7, 2004
Location: Deep South Texas, McAllen
Posts: 569 Re: Mormonism is either solipsism, or chaos.
I am a late-comer to this thread, but after having read 90% of the posts I conclude that Love-Bias intended to show some aquaintance with what she thought was an interesting topic.

PaulDupre and StubbleSpeak offered the only informative posts in my opinion. Actually it seems that Love-Bias just wanted some “correspondance”. Solipsism is not found in the Catholic Encyclopedia, therefore, I find it irrevalent in this context.(see original post).

May I suggest that spending some time reading St. Thomas Aquinas would be more productive. He is practical…and Catholic.

I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean*.*** G.K. Chesterton : Do what your supposed to do…when your supposed to do it. Bear Bryant**
Location: Deep South Texas

Jason you should have turned the other cheek. Don’t allow Satan to bring death by your passions.


I appreciate your thoughtfulness …but what I am saying is the truth and I believe that God is with you all the way throughout your journey in life.
God be with you.

In Christ’s Love,
In saying I was your brother and that I loved you very much, it wasn’t as much me being thoughtful, as much as it was me telling you the truth. 🙂

Thank you Dayna.
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