Most common sin/hardest to overccome/easiest to fall into

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What sin do you think is the hardest for most Christians?
Gossip as it seems to lead to the others listed.:hmmm:
yes, I agree.
I dunno, gossip and lying are biggies, but I’d say at least for me, forgiving others is the most difficult. I hold grudges and it is really hard for me to let them go. But, I’m working on it…

Lying.I know it’s not right,but sometimes I just can’t help myself. 😦
I agree that gossip is a toughie, partly because there is a certain satisfaction that comes from knowing things that others do not know about.
Considering all of the risque commercials, tv shows and movies, I would have to say sexual. I used to, it was hard to overcome. Mary said that most people are going to hell due to sins of the body. We as people in America are too immodest.
I definitely think it’s forgiveness and that that is the reason why we have so much conflict in the world. It’s why the sins of the fathers are visited on to succeeding generations. We pass on the pain we’re unable to transform, often in the form of the same hurt we experienced.
I definitely think it’s forgiveness and that that is the reason why we have so much conflict in the world. It’s why the sins of the fathers are visited on to succeeding generations. We pass on the pain we’re unable to transform, often in the form of the same hurt we experienced.
nc, I just voted the same!
You didn’t list it, but pride is a biggie, especially when I forget that I AM NOT GOD :o
I also find that pride is the hardest to overcome. It’s also very subtle, which makes it harder to recognize and fight against. Furthermore, it is the root of many (maybe all) other sins. I’m trying to work on eradicating pride (or rather, allowing God to eradicate it) in my life, and it’s tough. Every time I think I’m getting more humble, I realize that there’s an even deeper level of pride to overcome.
Ditto here on the pride vote. That’s why I chose other. I am often amazed at the innumerable sins that fall under this category. (and I’ve probably done them all :o ) Thank You God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation!! :getholy:
I vote pride too…pride comes before the fall…You bet alot of other sins start with pride.
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