Most common sin/hardest to overccome/easiest to fall into

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Gossip is a really hard one for me to overcome. It’s hard for me to shut my mouth when I hear something juicy about someone else…

…“pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death…Amen.” :gopray:

gotta be pride. no question. the original sin.

All sin is idolatry – the worship of satan, self, creature or idea – because sin proclaims that something is a better judge than God.

Our pride is the wall we build between ourselves and our true selves, ourselves and each other, ourselves and God.
gossip is the primary in my vote w/ lack of forgiveness in a close 2nd place

the others listed are more personal & would basically be excellant points for gossip starts :eek:
I’d say mediocrity and lukewarmness. So many times people (such as myself) take the easier path or the less “painfull” or that hurts feelings less instead of doing what’s right and at the same time putting a blindfold on to the full truth. The intentions may be good, but the path to Hell is full of good intentions.

This is what our society is like today. More into the feelings instead of the truth. Society is continually pushing the boarder of “black and white” (so to speak) so that our overall morals are becoming gray.

This sin of lukewarmness is highly dangerous and it takes root to just about, if not all, sins. “Oh…this one time won’t hurt” “It’s not as extreme, and I’m not hurting anybody” “I didn’t discipline because I didn’t want to hurt their feelings. Besides it doesn’t make me feel good to do that.” You catch my drift…
I did not know so many suffered from Sexial sin.

I suffer from those little sins. Those hidden ones that probably no one will ever know about except God. That makes htem all the more suffering, and frustrated.
I put forgiveness because I think it is harder for people to forgive when they’ve been hurt.

I frequently pray for those who’ve hurt me because I know that we are forgiven as we forgive. So every time (or at least lots of times) I am tempted to remember injuries from others and become angry, I try to pray for them to be completely absolved by God for all their sins.

That’s the kind of forgiveness I want.

It would stink to end up in hell because I refused to forgive.

(It would stink to end up in hell at all.)
**Pride which is the mother of all sin, pride leads to greed, envy, etc,. etc.,…

Pride and Sexual sins. So we need humility and chastity.
Pride for sure is the worst (CS Lewis once called it the most deadly of the “Deadly Sins”), because it is the sin of not wanting to conform to God, of not wanting to change your ways. It is also the most “stealthy” Deadly Sin, it often slips in inoucously and unnoticed.
Lust (leading to sexual sins) is the next most common and easiest to fall into, especially because of our current culture.
What sin do you think is the hardest for most Christians?
Like K777 Angel, I would say selfishness. We are clearly programmed to look after ourselves first, a fact which we see demonstrated all day, every day. Part of what makes it so difficult is that few of us realise that we are being selfish, and most of us, when made aware, will try to justify our selfishness. “I need this” is the most common argument.

Pride would come second, I think.
If by Christian we mean someone who has undergone initial conversion and made good progress in the spiritual life in overcoming the major temptations of the senses, we are also talking about someone who now has more temptations for spiritual sins. the number one thing I see causing pain and stopping progress in spiritual growth in “good Christians” failure to forgive and to ask forgiveness, and the resentment and anxiety this produces.
My theory is that everyone has at least ONE big sin that they struggle with. There is no sin that EVERYONE struggles with in the same capacity. Some deal with alcoholism, some lying, some sexual sin, some, well, you get what I mean… Satan knows our weaknesses and how to get to us the quickest. Where he may be able to get into my sinful world through sexual sin he may get into someone else’s through lying or stealing. The trick is to know that weakness and how to rally against it through God.
Impatience–and if I don’t quickly recognize it–turns into anger. But it does seem that every sin is a tributary of pride.

Ana said:
** PRIDE:o **

I think pride also…can lead to a lot of anger - gossip - hatefulness and other wickedness. I think overall fall of men will be pride!
  1. Anger
  2. Pride
  3. Judging others
In that order.

I also eat things i dont need to, but im controlling it a lot better than before.
The question in the poll was what was the hardest sin to overcome not what is the worst or most common. I voted for lack of forgiveness. Most of us find it very hard to forgive even when we are offered an apology yet we are expected to forgive even those who are not sorry. Forgiveness is not acquiesing in wrong-doing - it’s letting it go when the evil-doer isn’t hurting us anymore; not wishing him/her harm for hurting us. Again that doesn’t mean not demanding restitution but it does mean not wanting revenge (or as many now call it “closure”). I saw a TV program once on crime victims who went into the prisons and expressed forgiveness to those who had harmed them. It was very healing and contrasted starkly with those victims for whom the only “closure” for murdering one of their loved ones was the death penalty.
Considering all of the risque commercials, tv shows and movies, I would have to say sexual. I used to, it was hard to overcome. Mary said that most people are going to hell due to sins of the body. We as people in America are too immodest.
Personally, I don’t think it’s fair to say that Mary actually said something if it was just something seen in a vision. I myself find it difficult believing most visionaries, and I think that many Christians, including me, have a hard time discerning true acts of God from hallucinations, mental disorders, etc. In fact, I have heard a “visionary” say that Mary had told her that recieving Communion on the hand is a sin, yet every Catholic religious figure I’ve met (bishops, priests, nuns) prefers recieving the host on the hand, and I would think that they would’ve taken the true word of Mary to heart. So please be careful when you say Mary, God, Jesus, etc. “said” something. If it’s not in Scripture, there is no proof of it being said.

And actually, since you are spreading this alleged saying of Mary’s as truth, it’s gossip. 😉

I think that, even though we don’t realize it, we lie every single day. We don’t recognize or recall it because it is such an integral and routine part of our lives. This is quite possible when you account for the fact that when most people are told to count the Fs in the following sentence they say three:

Finished files are the result
of years of scientific study
combined with the experience
of years…

The truth is, there are six. Our brain is so accustomed to seeing the word “of” that we skip over it. It’s the same thing with lying. We are so used to doing it, a little white lie here, an exaggeration there, that we just don’t think about it.
I would like to change my answer. I think that pride (I have been known for that on only very very very rare occasions…yeah, right :o ) is really what leads me to hold grudges. So, my answer is pride.

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