Most romantic thing done by you or spouse

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My hubby just left for Afghanistan this morning and I was sitting here thinking how wonderful he is and missing him horribly. Anyway, I remember something that he did when we lived in California that struck me as an incredibly romantic gesture. I thought that it would be nice to share it with you all and read your most romantic gestures to or from your spouse.

We woke up during an earthquake and despite coming out of a deep sleep, he immediately placed his body over mine. He wanted to make certain that if anything fell down or if the roof collapsed that I would be all right. Later I told him that he never had to buy me any expensive presents, he had just trumped all the romantic gestures that he could ever perform. After all, he was willing to sacrifice maybe his own life-if the roof collapsed-for mine.👍

What a great hubby I have.
What an AWESOME husband you have!
And God bless his for the sacrifice he makes for our country!
One thing I’ll always remember happened when me and my husband were newlyweds.
I was in the kitchen and had just dropped a glass.
Pieces of it went all over the floor.
I just stood there.
My husband rushed in the kitchen, picked me up and carried me out of the kitchen.
Just so I wouldn’t get cut on the glass!
That was the priority to hiim!!
Take care…
These are all such great stories and acts of love :D!!! It reminds me how much I need to appreciate my husband each and every moment.

I think the most romantic thing isn’t a one time thing - but continuous - he tells me he loves me and tells me I’m so beautiful each day at least once or twice. And whenever he gets incredibly excited for our baby to be born, that just makes me want to cover him with kisses :).

For him - while we were dating - two things really stick out in my mind - which he may not say were the most romantic, but they really meant a lot to him then…
His ex-girlfriend used to make him chew gum b/c apparently his breath smelled bad, so when we first started dating he was ALWAYS chewing gum (although I didn’t know why…just thought he liked it). After about a month, I realized this habit deteriorating and I mentioned my observation and he told me this and I told him not to chew gum b/c he didn’t have bad breath. That made him love me even more :). Also, we went camping with friends right before we got engaged (separate tents of course! 😉 ). He had been making a fire (he’s an Eagle scount and LOVES fire!) and was sweating up a storm and I came over and gave him a big huge hug and he couldn’t believe I’d want to touch him, all sweaty and smelly, but I hadn’t even noticed. Those two things, he mentioned a lot for several months afterwards and it made me feel like I was really loving him :).
Hey, where’s all the guys at? Come on men, you know that you like being romanced also.😃
I work in construction. And the guys are always making comments about their wives, usually complaints. And I always say to them, how blessed I am.

I usually share with my wife our conversations…and then tell here how blessed I am each day to have her in my life.
I don’t understand how men could take off for a week at a time for pleasure, like a hunting or fishing trip…I would miss her too much.

When we are separated due to business, I make sure I either call her or write her every day. It fills me. It’s like drinking water, our love for one another. I need her in my life. Our love is not suffocating either, as some possessive spouses may be. It is life sustaining!
I work in construction. And the guys are always making comments about their wives, usually complaints. And I always say to them, how blessed I am.

I usually share with my wife our conversations…and then tell here how blessed I am each day to have her in my life.
I don’t understand how men could take off for a week at a time for pleasure, like a hunting or fishing trip…I would miss her too much.

When we are separated due to business, I make sure I either call her or write her every day. It fills me. It’s like drinking water, our love for one another. I need her in my life. Our love is not suffocating either, as some possessive spouses may be. It is life sustaining!
Your wife is very lucky but then she must be a wonderful woman to inspire such love.🙂 👍
Yesterday my husband took a day off from work to spend with me. It was the eighth anniversary of the day we met :love: We had no big plans, just to go to Mass in the morning and to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner (with the kids). We also ended up at the playground with the kids for a while. On the way to our early dinner, our baby started crying her lungs out, and our toddler fell asleep (he skipped his nap). We just laughed and turned the car around and ordered a pizza instead 😃 It sure was a wonderful day!

This probably isn’t the most “romantic” thing, but I thought I’d add it to the list. Great thread idea, Deb1, and I’ll be praying for your husband!
I’m not married, but I do have a boyfriend, and he’s an absolute sweetheart. Whenever I’m feeling down, he’ll come up with an infinite amount of goofy things to do to see if he can make me laugh, including placing random things from his desk on his head. 😃

He also enjoys coming up with oblique, unique compliments, like “You’re causing global warming…” and when I was oohing about some beautiful new origami paper, he said “it must be reflective!” He also has no end of patience with me when I’m being illogical (darn hormones…). Whenever I ask him why he puts with me in those moods, he just says 'Because I love you." ❤️

Being a guy, he has a fairly straightforward, logical approach to life. We were waching a movie together, and one of my favorite main characters was killed. I started crying into his shoulder, and wailing the character’s name. The movie ended a short while later, and I still had tears running down my face. He proceded to fetch the box of tissues, and shove them in my face! His thought process must have gone something like this: She is crying. Crying=need of tissues. I must fulfill her needs as quickly and efficeintly as possible. Therefore, get tissues to her tears in the fastest and most efficeint maner possible. I already mentioned the grand result of this formula. :rolleyes:
It’s the stuff that you could only do if you are truly in love. Like cleaning the house and taking care of the kids when I was sick as a dog pregnant. He would just hold me when I was puking my brains out from a migraine. The biggie though would have to be just wanting me so badly. Long story short, we were very non-religious when we married, and ended up divorced a few years later. Even though I left him, he never gave up. He kept at me, and made changes in his own life to let me know he had really changed (like reverting to the Church), until I gave him another chance. So I let him be my sponsor in RCIA while I was converting. Then, he kept at me until I went to Retrouvaille with him. Thanks to Retrouvaille, we have been very very happily remarried for years now and have a couple more kids!
I just thought of a few more things DH did for me especially while we were dating that really touched me… he attended the Crohns & Colitis support group meetings and ostomy support group meetings to educate himself so he knew what I have to deal with each day especially when I’m not feeling well, made me a birthday cake from scratch including the frosting with fresh strawberries, and when I was really sick, he went out of his way to make sure that I had certain foods in the house that I could eat and went as far as making sodium free bread from scratch. During a winter storm, he drove from work and snow plowed me and my grandmother out because we were stuck w/o anyway to get out of the driveway at her house.

Tomorrow I’m making him a slow cooker chicken dinner with peach cobbler for dessert for Valentines day. I am truly blessed to have married such a wonderful man.
It’s the stuff that you could only do if you are truly in love. Like cleaning the house and taking care of the kids when I was sick as a dog pregnant. He would just hold me when I was puking my brains out from a migraine. The biggie though would have to be just wanting me so badly. Long story short, we were very non-religious when we married, and ended up divorced a few years later. Even though I left him, he never gave up. He kept at me, and made changes in his own life to let me know he had really changed (like reverting to the Church), until I gave him another chance. So I let him be my sponsor in RCIA while I was converting. Then, he kept at me until I went to Retrouvaille with him. Thanks to Retrouvaille, we have been very very happily remarried for years now and have a couple more kids!
Very interesting story…have you thought about writing a book?
We are just newlyweds - only 4 and a half months so far!

My sweet husband loves me so much it just blows my mind sometimes. Not that it isn’t mutual, but sometimes it’s just amazing to feel that love coming at you, and very humbling.

Anyway - he always takes such sweet care of me. When I’m not feeling well, he won’t let me lift a finger, and will do anything around the house that needs doing. He gags and nearly throws up when he cleans the kitty boxes, but he does it still because he knows that if we might get pregnant that I shouldn’t be near the kitty poo. One night we got home very late, nearly midnight, and I was absolutely stuffed from a fancy work dinner I had been to with some associates and not feeling well, and even as late as it was, he made me peppermint tea to calm my tummy. 🙂 And this week, with all the snow we have had, he has not been feeling well himself so I said I would do the shoveling, and not to worry I did it for years before we got married. He said absolutely not! There is a bloke in the house now (he’s British, can ya tell 🙂 ), and so there is no need for me to ever shovel snow again if I don’t want to.


I’m so very lucky. 😃 He is truly my sweet one, and I could go on and on about how he is so wonderful to me.

When planning our infant daughter’s graveside service, we overlooked designating a paulbearer(SP?) We both knew it would be the hardest job we would ever ask anyone to do. I had decided I would carry her. I had carried her in my womb and I would be honored to carry her to her grave, although I really didn’t know if I could do it. My husband decided that he couldn’t let me do that. He never got the priveledge of holding her alive and that he would do the honor of carrying her to her grave. I have never loved a man more than I did the day he carried our daughter to her grave.

On the lighter side, we have run into a money shortage lately. Things are tight but not impossible. I had fifty dollars that I had been saving for months. I wanted to buy something for myself. Have buried two children this year. I am over weight and had hoped to just buy something to incourage me to loose wheight. My husband wanted me to keep the money for myself so he was willing to sell one of his favorite guns. Doesn’t sound like much, yet he is a police officer and doesn’t really have a bragging gun. Silly, but I know he loves me… At least more than his bragging gun.
That was beautiful of your husband to do that. I have nothing but total admiration for him to do that.👍
Wow he shaved your legs? That is LOVE!!!
I’m not dismissing the thoughtfulness of the gesture, but if he shaved your legs the way some guys shave their faces it’s a miracle you didn’t lose a toe :bigyikes:

Gentle hint - guys, it’s NOT a race!!!
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