What an AWESOME husband you have!My hubby just left for Afghanistan this morning and I was sitting here thinking how wonderful he is and missing him horribly. Anyway, I remember something that he did when we lived in California that struck me as an incredibly romantic gesture. I thought that it would be nice to share it with you all and read your most romantic gestures to or from your spouse.
We woke up during an earthquake and despite coming out of a deep sleep, he immediately placed his body over mine. He wanted to make certain that if anything fell down or if the roof collapsed that I would be all right. Later I told him that he never had to buy me any expensive presents, he had just trumped all the romantic gestures that he could ever perform. After all, he was willing to sacrifice maybe his own life-if the roof collapsed-for mine.
What a great hubby I have.
And God bless his for the sacrifice he makes for our country!
One thing I’ll always remember happened when me and my husband were newlyweds.
I was in the kitchen and had just dropped a glass.
Pieces of it went all over the floor.
I just stood there.
My husband rushed in the kitchen, picked me up and carried me out of the kitchen.
Just so I wouldn’t get cut on the glass!
That was the priority to hiim!!
Take care…