Mothers Day Gift Ideas

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I’d like to get something nice for my grandma who just turned 98 yesterday–but I can’t think of a thing. Isn’t that terrible!

She can’t hear or see very well.

I always get plants. I wish I could think of something different this year. Maybe a magazine subscription would be nice. She likes to read.
I renewed my subscription to the National Catholic Register.

I usually buy my mom flowers. My mom and I are also going out to dinner since my husband is out of town.

My 16 yr old daughter has promised me breakfast in bed 🙂 .

This year I’m getting my mother a digital picture frame.

Past gifts:

I was broke, so I made her a CD of songs from mildstone years of her life. Birth, 16, 21, married…etc

My brother and I had our pictures taken when I was 8 and he was 2. So we took a new one (31 and 25) we wore similar colors to our kiddie photo and put them in a double frame
Oooh! I love the idea of a digital picture frame! I have been seeing them around a lot also.

Thanks for the great idea!👍
I really don’t know what I’m going to get my mom… Maybe I’ll help the kids make a card for her. :o

My husband keeps asking me what I want. I finally told him I’d like some Tulip bulbs or some other kind of bulbs that are pretty. I’ve never planted flowers before. I’d like to start off easy with something I don’t have to do too much with. (I know they won’t come up until next year)

I really don’t know anything about gardening, but I’d like to make our yard look better. Do I need a shovel or something? 😛 just kidding. sort of.
I made my mom a CD of Marian/her favorite hymns.

I asked my dh/boys for a camera backpack bag, but what I would really really love is no baseball for a whole weekend and Mass as a family at our home parish. But it’s not gonna happen. 😦
I’m going to get her a pretty bag and put a CD with hundreds of photos of her grandchildren inside 🙂 Their computer just died and they lost all the digital photos I’ve been sending them for the past 5 months.
Congratulations 🙂 This is my 3rd and I also keep forgetting that I get to benefit from Mother’s Day too! It makes me feel old 😛
The good news is…when you are a MOM, Grand Mom, and Great Grand MOM…It gets much easier. 😃
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