In another thread that went into the Dover Intelligent Design trial there were many who insisted that the motives of the defendants who supported teaching ID in science classes had political motivation. Whether ID is totally science, part science/part philosophy, not science, or whatever is not my point here. Nor is whether the defendants of that case had political motives.
I just so often hear pro-Darwinists making these political “you are trynig to force God on us” statements while purporting to be honest for their part. What I contend is that many of these people are anti-Creationist, anti-God, and their goal is to force us to get rid of all matters pertaining to God.
I submit a post Dover trial interview with one of the plaintiff’s witnesses, Barbara Forest. You can hear her thoughts after the trial here.
Some of what she said:
She thanked the ACLU among others for their help in the trial.
She said that one of ID’s definitions is a Christian appeal and it leaves “out a lot of people”.
She said she had been hopeful a court ruling 1987 “would put a stop to Creationism” and was displeased it did not.There is certainly a sentiment among many Darwinists that opposing views should not be considered. They want to put an end to God.
I just so often hear pro-Darwinists making these political “you are trynig to force God on us” statements while purporting to be honest for their part. What I contend is that many of these people are anti-Creationist, anti-God, and their goal is to force us to get rid of all matters pertaining to God.
I submit a post Dover trial interview with one of the plaintiff’s witnesses, Barbara Forest. You can hear her thoughts after the trial here.
Some of what she said:
She thanked the ACLU among others for their help in the trial.
She said that one of ID’s definitions is a Christian appeal and it leaves “out a lot of people”.
She said she had been hopeful a court ruling 1987 “would put a stop to Creationism” and was displeased it did not.There is certainly a sentiment among many Darwinists that opposing views should not be considered. They want to put an end to God.