The motives of the anti-Creationists are clear. Even though an awareness of God can be reached by human reason, the motivation for human potential and the human mind to be exalted above God goes back to the words spoken by the devil to Eve in the Garden, “ye shall be as Gods.”
Science has become the means by which the atheist finds ways to deny God. All available weapons are being used:
Ridicule of the work of God which is revealed to have been done a certain way.
Ridicule of Intelligent Design which consists of criteria that archaeologists use all the time to distinguish an artifact that is designed by an intelligence from an artifact formed by erosian, breakage or other natural means.
Ridicule of miracles which the Church uses, today, to canonize saints.
Ridicule of religion in general as being evil, patriarchal, inflexible (this about the God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow), and hateful. As to the latter, which words of Christ tells us to harm our neighbor?
Christians in general are going through a new assault by the following: ACLU, atheists, brights, secular humanists, anarchists, Marxists and anarchists. The purpose is to abolish guilt, shame, embarrassment and most of all, any sense of sin.
And this, my fellow Catholics, can be seen in any media. Everyone is out for themselves and their own pleasure. Right and wrong mean something only if it is to the advantage of the individual. Pleasing the self and perhaps a few others that you deem worthy is job one. Sacrificial love, either toward God or spouse or children, simply means you are willing to live in a “comfortable concentration camp.” (quote from feminist Betty Friedan)
My fellow Catholics, have an answer prepared for those who ask you about the hope that is in you. About the divinity of Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Of the knowledge, both natural and supernatural, that is held in trust by the Catholic Church. Get a Catechism and read it.
God bless,