Moving out/living alone as a single young woman?

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I know I’ll be able to afford living on my own, but is it better if I just live at home and save up?
it depends if you have debt, of your job’s stability and if you makes a lot of money.
It depends on your future plans for marriage. It depends if the man you would marry someday finances, and wealth, and job. It also depends if you plan to be an housewife or work full time as a mother.
it also depends how you are string to materials’s good and confort.

A lot of parameter to take in consideration, abd some are unknown.

As for me and my husband, we couldn’t afford to live alone; and need saving before being ready to moove.
i will say, it is not mandatory, but if you want and can do it, try to do it.
And take engagement to maintain your spiritual life in singleness.
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Thanks again for the replies, everyone. I guess starting this thread has set off a bit of unexpected anxiety within me - kind of like I’m starting to overthink things and am afraid of the drastic change of living in a home with 7 other people to living alone (though, I really am not keen on having a roommate). Maybe this is a silly question, but has anyone in their experience of living alone changed as a person for the worse? I’m not saying I’m unstable and don’t know who I am as a person, but just out of curiosity. Is there any advice for getting over that hump/anxiety of living alone, or will I always feel anxious about it?

I suppose it’s like anything that involves drastic change - just takes time?
I’ve lived alone. I’ve lived with family. I’ve lived with roommate(s), and I currently live with my husband.

Living alone has pros and cons. Living with others has pros and cons. Sometimes living alone can be great and sometimes a little lonely. Sometimes living with others can be great and sometimes annoying.

I think you are way over thinking it. Get a six month lease if you aren’t too sure about whether it’s for you. Try it out and go from there. The worst that happens is that you move back home.
Don’t live your life in fear. Of course you should experience living on your own. You need to be independent. It is important.
A lot of it could also be cultural. Whereas most modern-day middle class American suburbia may see moving out on one’s own as necessary, many immigrant cultures may see not see it that way. In fact, one central American family thought I was sinning by living on my own (never mind the fact that I had lost all immediate family earlier in life). Also, maybe a few generations ago, it was more common for people to live at home longer (of course, marriage ages may have been earlier then as well).

Some other things to consider:
  1. Is “Imitation of Christ” a binding part of the magisterium, or just a saint’s non-binding (although maybe prudential) opinion?
  2. How well do you get along with your parents?
I will add some others considerations that are rarely think: ecological one.

When a lot of people live alone, there a need of many more housing. So, a need to bluid housing. It can be at the detriment to arable corps. And in some countries it can become a real problem. (for eg, in Europe).
A person who live together consumme much more energy than a person who live with others people.

The tension created to house people in more different places also increase the cost of housing for many.

I know that North American, who have much more space may think less of these considerations than others people in more overpopulated areas.
wish I had my own place… not everyone can afford or have the luxury to live alone.
Living with roommates, renting a room from a boarding house, these can be affordable ways to live independently between parents home and marriage or entering religious life, etc.
I’m kind of curious, are there still boarding houses in existence?

I thought zoning laws made them illegal.
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Guess it depends on the city. I personally know people who take in boarders, and they are not the break the law types 🙂
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