Muslims in Spain

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GRANADA, Spain —
"…Unfortunately for Spain’s Muslims, the militants who swear loyalty to Osama bin Laden are history buffs too. In claiming responsibility for the March bombings, they cited the loss of “Al Andalus” as motivation.

“We will continue our jihad until martyrdom in the land of Tarik Ben Ziyad,” they said in a communique issued after the massacre, alluding to the Moorish warrior and original Islamic conqueror of the Iberian peninsula.

Spain today, like most of Europe, is struggling with ways to accommodate its fast-growing Muslim community while keeping tabs on those who might turn to radical violence.

"…The prime minister’s government is negotiating with two major Spanish Islamic organizations in an attempt to integrate Muslims into mainstream society as a way to prevent radicalization and reduce the alienation that feeds extremism and violence.

“Marginalization is a very dangerous thing,” Luis Lopez Guerra, the senior Justice Ministry official in charge of religious affairs, said in an interview in Madrid.

“If you have people poor and without work, you run the risk of them feeling alone and discriminated against, alienated from the values of the rest of society,” Lopez Guerra said. “Police measures alone can’t solve this.”

And so, in a country where the Roman Catholic Church wields enormous power, the government has established a $4-million fund for three “minority” religions — Islam, Judaism and Protestantism — and scrapped a previous administration’s plans to make the Catholic curriculum mandatory in public schools.

Among other, controversial recommendations, the government wants to require all mosques to register with the state. Also under discussion is a plan to license imams, supported by several Muslim groups who complain that too many clerics are foreigners who are unable to speak Spanish, and that Saudi Arabia wields excessive influence over Spain’s mosques.

The tension between Spain’s non-Muslims and Muslims, both immigrant and native-born, remains raw. Although incidents of overt retaliation against Muslims are rare, many Muslims feel they are, in the words of Gonzalez, the convert, in the eye of the hurricane.

Like the society around them, Muslims in Spain are torn over questions of assimilation versus cultural identity. The community is, moreover, fractured along generational and ideological lines. Then there are the differences between immigrants and native-born Muslims, most of whom are converts.
A relatively homogenous society ever since the 15th century expulsions, Spain has far fewer Muslims than France or Germany. Yet only in Spain is the debate fraught with such mythology and deep-rooted cultural echoes.

Spaniards sometimes refer to Arabs, derogatorily, as Moors. And it doesn’t help that the late dictator Francisco Franco rose to power on the back of Moroccan troops whom he used to launch the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s…

Moroccan student Amal Benyaich, a 20-year-old sophomore, said she generally feels at home in Granada but has occasionally endured insults shouted in public, especially after the bombings.

“How can your people do this?” someone demanded of her.

“Am I a terrorist?” she responded.

“I want them to understand what Islam is,” said Benyaich, wearing a white hijab, long skirt and velvety red sweatshirt. “Terrorism is not a specific religion.”

Spain is confronting the fact that a growing number of Muslim immigrants, who once entered the country only to move on, or came to work and then returned to their home country, have now become a permanent fixture. Spain’s low birth rate has widened the need for immigrant labor, and an underground network has made it easier for foreign workers to stay…

In Granada, the onetime seat of Moorish rule, where many Muslims identify themselves as Andalusians first, then as Spaniards, a number of native-born Muslims say they feel a duty to present what they describe as the moderate face of their religion and to promote a form of “European Islam” that is tolerant and democratic.

“That’s our struggle: to achieve a moderate balance against those extremists who are incapable of living in this society as Muslims,” said Abdelkarim Carrasco, a real estate broker and president of the Federation of Spanish Islamic Entities, one of two major Spanish Islamic organizations negotiating with the Zapatero government…

Mosque member Mohammed Jairudin, 64, a silver-haired actor who converted to Islam 21 years ago, told of the legal hurdles and neighborhood resistance overcome to finally erect the mosque. Muslims, he said, have to live within the existing order because it is God’s will.

“You are part of the system, or you leave,” he said, seated in the mosque’s garden of rosebushes and jasmine, overlooking that breathtaking view that sweeps northward to the Sierra Nevada. “I pay my taxes. I go to the mosque. No one bothers me. I do things my way, but respecting where I am.”,0,933947.story?coll=la-home-headlines
The reason people do not post entire articles but simply post parts and links here is to stay within the copyright laws of the US - so it would be good manners on your part not to post the entire contents or add massively to an original clip but let those that wish to simply use the link for a complete reading.
Most Muslims may not be terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. That is something only Islam can change.
Most Muslims may not be terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. That is something only Islam can change.
which branch of Islam did Timothy McVeigh adhere to?
which branch of Islam did Timothy McVeigh adhere to?
:banghead: Quit with the rhetoric and address the facts. The majority of terrorist organizations today claim ties to Islam, cite the fatwas and statements of muslim clerics as justification for their actions, and are made up of Muslims. A non-muslim terrorist today stands out like Ted Kennedy driving across a bridge.
which branch of Islam did Timothy McVeigh adhere to?
He said most, not all. Read carefully.

I don’t know what Tim McVeigh was, he didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God.

We need to realize that militant Islam is what we are fighting in this ‘war on terror’. It ignore that fact, no matter how well intentioned, is to play into the hands of the enemy.
which branch of Islam did Timothy McVeigh adhere to?
Exactly what part of ‘most’ was it that you did not understand? Me thinks you are just looking for an argument so onto the ignore list you go.
What do you think the chances are that Matt25 will answer our questions about what part of ‘most’ confused him/her.
Slim to none…beginning to think that he is just s troll.
What do you think the chances are that Matt25 will answer our questions about what part of ‘most’ confused him/her.
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