I remember when I was a child and heard “who proceeds from the Father and the Son” I just pictured this white dove walking or flying away from the Father and the Son.
It also shows how important it is for catechists to admit and to say: “let’s remember I don’t know eveything and I can make mistakes. What the Church teaches is true, but it is a lot to know, some of it is difficult to explain and understand, and we all know from being in school that we can make mistakes even about things we know really well. That’s true when you’re nine, and I have news for you: you won’t get past it by the time you’re 99, either. Be easy on us teachers: it could be you up here some day!”Shows how valuable the work of a good catechist can be.
Not just Orthodox. Byzantine Catholics do not recite the filioque either.She had heard that it was something to do with the difference between Catholics and Orthodox.
Then the catechist adapts. Flexibility. “let’s look it up together”JimG:
That could be a disadvantage if she ever has to deal with a candidate with a Russian backgroundand she had no idea what I was talking about.
Neither did mine.The catechist’s mind might not have immediately jumped to the Filioque. I know mine didn’t.
Did your daughter say, “No, I mean when the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son” or did the whole class just move on?
That does surprise me. Don’t you have to explain each line of the Creed?, I would have never gotten the right topic.
I don’t answer questions which are irrelevant, speculative about my motives or ad hominem. I also don’t ask that kind of question.But from your lack of answers to that question, I’m assuming you’re not.
Where do you find an implied criticism and what specifically qualifies for the adjective “strongly?”-Strongly implied criticism