My borther and contraception.(Caution, kinda Racy)

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Despite what your brother blabs to you or what you find when you’re snooping around, you need to stick your nose out of it and mind your own business.
Excuse the bull outta me.

Number 1, you sound like a mean old lady, even if your not, you sill sound like and old bat!

Number 2.I wasn’t snooping around, i throw their trash, they live with me

Number 3. I will ask you never to post on my threads again, I really dont need YOUR advice THAT much.

Thanks Pro-Life Teen, at least someone here understands. Oh and don’t tell me all that "Respect you elders thing’, the way i see it, to get respect, you must give it.
Despite what your brother blabs to you or what you find when you’re snooping around, you need to stick your nose out of it and mind your own business.
Now that’s about as non-catholic of a post I’ve ever seen.
Now that’s about as non-catholic of a post I’ve ever seen.
How unCatholic can you get, Pinklady!
There’s no Christian charity in that post!
Ryan, why would the dr. tell them to wear a condom while the girlfriend is already pregnant?
i think this was touched on but i am going to say it anyway. our sexuality is a gift from God as we all is a gift because it lets us be co-creators with God. There are three ‘bodies’ involved in sex; the man, the women, and God. by using contraception it is not involving God and therefore is just selfish. Here is an analogy of what i am saying, has anyone gotten an invitation for a party that said ‘we are having a party on Friday at 7 pm, but please dont come we dont want you there.’ This is exactly what you are saying to God by having sex with contraceptives. you are saying God we are going to have sex this weekend but we dont want you to come. This is turning away from God completely and is known as a moral sin.
Ryan…is THIS maybe the situation?

Your brother’s girlfriend got pregnant, you brother then proposed to her and now they’re asking about family planning (in their mind, contraception) for after the baby is born and within their future marriage?

That makes sense.

Anyway, I would point out to my brother that the Church does not draw her wisdom from only one source. Sacred Tradition, the Magisterium and yes, Scripture, are ALL important. We know without a doubt, from scripture, that Jesus laid Christendom (the Catholic Church) about his rock (Peter, the first pope) and that He gave Peter the keys to the kingdom! He clarified that whatever the Church binds here on earth will be bound in heaven. In other words, God abides by whatever the Church teaches because God will not let the Catholic Church lead her flock astray in faith and morals.

Therefore, the doctrines of faith and morals (which would include sexual morality and therefore the issue of contraception and family planning) are without error and do not change, have not changed and will never change. Separating the life-giving and love-giving purposes of sexual intercourse within marriage will NEVER be okay. We must never act in any way to thwart the life-giving possibility of intercourse. Nor can we ever have sex without love–to use a person for selfish pleasure is unacceptable. Acting on true love, physically, is only appropriate in a covenantal marriage. God’s first commandment to Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis was for them to “go forth and multiply.” He didn’t say, “go forth and have sex wherever and however you want, disregarding the fertility function.” No, God expects us to respect the beautiful gift of sexuality!

Christopher West writes a book called “The Good News About Sex & Marriage.” THis is an EXCELLENT, totally readable book in a question and answer format (with an index) that relies on scripture, tradition and the magisterium to explain God’s plan for marriage and sex. I highly reccommend it.

You sound like a caring brother. Ignore some of the rude and unnecessary comments on this thread! This is good information to have for YOUR future, too.

God bless,
What is un-christian or un-catholic about telling someone whose advice has already been soliticted and then ignored to stop snooping and mind their own business?

This is NONE of his business. I wonder how the couple involved would like it if they were made aware that their personal business is being broadcast all over the internet.

We need to have respect for each other and for others’ autonomy as well as their privacy. I don’t see how fishing around in the trash for used condoms and then tattling to the entire world does that.
Actually, in certain high-risk pregnancies, semen can induce early labor, or at least uncomfortably strong Braxton Hicks contractions. There’s some chemical in semen, apparently, that can do this if it comes in contact with the cervix. Doctors reccommend, in these situations, that the couple use a condom. I actually don’t know if this is necessarily bad in the eyes of the Church (since conception isn’t even possible) or not.

It’s true that they shouldn’t be having sex before they’re married. I’d say that there’s not much you can say to them that will change their minds about anything. At the very least, you can explain to her that some forms of ABC can be abortive (the pill/patch/depo provera, and the IUD) and, hopefully, she’ll heed that.
Ok here is my brothers story…

My brother while in High School had many Sexual Partners, and that was no secret, he even told me how many he had one time. He also used contraception. Now he got his girl-friend pregnant, which is now his future wife. I suspect they are using contraceptives, becuase I found an empty Condom wrapper in their trash, and he has asked me many times “Why does the church say that it is bad”. I have told him becuse it gets in the way of Gods beautiful gift of sextuallity. His future wife, believes that it is ok also (She used to be Non-Denominational) and wants to know where in the bible does God say condoms are wrong. People I need answers and fast. Where in the Bible does it say that all forms of birth contro are wrong. Oh, and my sister in law doesn’t believe in NFP, because she says that a womans cycle can jump around, so do you have a web-site that has some info in NFP. Thanks
You can use a fertility moniter to tell you if you are fertil thus abstaining during these times, isnt technology great.
no matter the womens cycle now we have monitors.
birthcontrol did not liberate women it liberated MEN.
You must be a great brother because you obviously care a lot about him becuase you came and asked for help.
If everybody else does not have anything nice to say, please just do not say it. Try to help him, not hurt him.
We need to have respect for each other and for others’ autonomy as well as their privacy. I don’t see how fishing around in the trash for used condoms and then tattling to the entire world does that.
Nor does publicly condemning them in a snooty and rude way. If you were truly concerned, it seems a charitable PM might have been more appropriate.

I have read some of your other posts and you seem to be a very unkind and unhappy woman who looks for opportunities to berate and put down others with your main purpose being humiliation … and THAT IS UNCHRISTIAN. If you have not love…

God bless!
Despite what your brother blabs to you or what you find when you’re snooping around, you need to stick your nose out of it and mind your own business.
Do you enjoy publicly condemning people in a snooty and rude way? You might want to ponder on why that is. If you were truly concerned, it seems a charitable PM might have been more appropriate.

To berate and put down others with your main purpose being humiliation … THAT IS UNCHRISTIAN. If you have not love…

Leave the boy alone. He is 16, has under his interests that he loves Jesus and spends free time, during his shark infested tumultous teenage years, participating on a Catholic forum. I could think of much worse things he could be doing with his time.

Keep up the good work Ryan, you seem to be a good boy.

God bless!
What is un-christian or un-catholic about telling someone whose advice has already been soliticted and then ignored to stop snooping and mind their own business?

This is NONE of his business. I wonder how the couple involved would like it if they were made aware that their personal business is being broadcast all over the internet.

We need to have respect for each other and for others’ autonomy as well as their privacy. I don’t see how fishing around in the trash for used condoms and then tattling to the entire world does that.
Wow, you are a rude old bat!!
What is un-christian or un-catholic about telling someone whose advice has already been soliticted and then ignored to stop snooping and mind their own business?

This is NONE of his business. I wonder how the couple involved would like it if they were made aware that their personal business is being broadcast all over the internet.

We need to have respect for each other and for others’ autonomy as well as their privacy. I don’t see how fishing around in the trash for used condoms and then tattling to the entire world does that.
The safety of a loved one’s soul is ALWAYS everyone’s business!
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