My dad thinks Jesus was a space alien?!

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Just had to ask - it was just an odd coincidence then.

Here’s a well-known quotation from C.S. Lewis about Jesus being who He said He was:

It doesn’t directlly address the space alien hypothesis but it’s good reading nonetheless.

Here’s another link that takes on various fringe theories about who Jesus was -

And I had to throw this in for those of us with a warped sense of humor - it’s so bad it’s kind of funny, like meme humor - 😃
Google “ancient astronaut theory” or watch a couple of episodes of “Ancient Aliens” (on the History channel).

Also, the guy who popularized these ideas- wait for it - was- a Swiss Catholic, Erich von Däniken. One of the most recent “Ancient Aliens” episodes was a biography of him and his research.

As for refuting it, I think you’d be better off saying the Rosary for your dad than trying to argue w/him.

It’s not surprising that people latch on to theories like this. If you don’t trust institutions (church/government/academics), then it makes some sense (not total sense, but some…) that people would come up a theory where these authority figures are “covering up the truth.” It fits with their worldview.
The only thing you can do is pray for him man. There is not much to do to help him so you have to let God heal him. There is no such proof that backs up what he is saying so please don’t get sucked up in his nonsense. Stay strong and pray!
Thinks Jesus was a space alien has anyone heard this claim and how do I dispute it.
This was the plot device in a 1987 movie by John Carpenter called The Prince of Darkness. Ask your dad if saw that and maybe its stayed in his mind.
Check this out.
Thanks for the question BBB, I remember being torn up about that issue myself when I was 20yo as a new believer… Maybe I can do something on it later on the Tank…
But for now–and this is a GENERAL procedure for ANY such questions–ask (nay, ‘demand’) of the ‘accusors’:
        One. Hard scientific/historical evidence (not speculation) of the existence of ANY EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE (we have none today, in spite of our best scientific programs and SETI-like programs)
        Two. Hard scientific/historical evidence (not speculation) that any such ET's were sentient, more advanced than we, and could do Jesus-class miracles
        Three. Hard scientific/historical evidence (not speculation) that any such ET's could breed cross-species with humans (no other species of life as we know it can do this)
        Four. Hard scientific/historical evidence (not speculation) that any such ET's were HISTORICALLY ACTIVE in Judea at the time of the conception of Jesus
        Five. Hard scientific/historical evidence (not speculation) that any such ET's were ACTUALLY INVOLVED in the case of Jesus
Important note: Probabilities are NOT ‘hard evidence’. Just to say something like: “With so many possible worlds, and so much time, SURELY the probabilities are good that such Alien life DOES EXIST somewhere in the universe” means nothing, evidentially. That is not ‘data’ or ‘evidence’ in favor of the speculation. Data/evidence is an ‘audit trail’ of an “already-happened reality”–not the possibility of that reality occurring!
This will kill the theory dead in its tracks–it is easier to give evidence for the TRADITIONAL STORY (i.e., existence of God, biblical story, etc) than for such an elaborate sci-fi theory!
In addition, the theorists would need:
  1. Compelling explanation why Jesus misled us, his closest followers, his enemies about this
  2. Compelling explanation why Jesus WAS EVEN PICKED by the aliens, in such a backwater country, despised people, ridiculous time (how smart could they REALLY be, then???
  3. Compelling explanation why no subsequent alien or alien-spokesperson explained these events IN THIS WAY
  4. Compelling explanation as to why they didn’t TRY again
  5. Compelling explanation as to why the APOSTLES and many early CHRISTIANS did the SAME types of miracles Jesus did!! (where THEY all aliens too?)
Anyway, I have to stop now–I am getting too ‘worked up’ (LOL)!
You can see the problem with such speculation–
(1) They have NO REAL EVIDENCE (only speculations),
(2) MUCH of the EVIDENCE that DOES exist generally contradicts their theory, and
(3) Their theory is not the simplest/best explanation (law of parsimony–the simplest theory is most like the true one) of the DATA that MIGHT could be explained by their speculation (e.g. miracles). But this is also a ‘conspiracy theory’, in that it assumes that (certainly) the aliens, (probably) Jesus, and (possibly) the disciples KNEW BETTER THAN WHAT THEY TOLD US–but lied to us anyway… Conspiracy theories take EXTRA EVIDENCE to prove (to the court) that the ‘defendants’ KNEW BETTER (which we have NO data for, in this case) but LIED ANYWAY…
Does this make sense? Do you see how such folks need to be held ‘accountable’ to the data, and that without hard data to support their theory, they cannot be taken seriously? The burden of proof is on them–without hard, historical, scientific evidence, they need to be quiet until they find something.
I remember being torn up by COUNTLESS such wild-guess, sci-fi, ‘whatever’ kinds of theories as a young man–until a hard-minded philosopher/scientist Christian guy once told me to BELIEVE NOTHING WITHOUT SOME REAL DATA! Ask for Data FIRST, before you even THINK about wasting time EVALUATING a theory! “Test all things…hold on to the good”
Edit: It’s good to remember that Jesus taught he DID NOT COME to teach morals, but to die for our sins. He simply elaborated on or led further on the morals the Jews already had. Why would he lie about his mission? Why didn’t he truly teach a completely new set of morals if that was his mission? Just a thought 🙂
Google “ancient astronaut theory” or watch a couple of episodes of “Ancient Aliens” (on the History channel).
I second this.

OP, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if your father simply picked this up from the History channel. My father-in-law, a devout Catholic, wants to talk about the possibilities of aliens starting Christianity ever since he started watching Ancient Aliens 😦
I’m afraid he sounds an awful lot like my ex-uncle who is mentally ill. Schizophrenics tend to see things in terms of aliens. So do Scientologists.

Considering that your father in not well grounded in the faith, Kal2012’s suggestion that the iea is from the tv show “Ancient Aliens” sounds like a real possibility.

Off topic - How in the world do they get away with calling it the History channel? From what I have heard and read about it, the majority of shows have nothing to do with history. I’m glad we’re not able to watch tv - no chance of being tempted to fry our brains on garbage.
My dad asked how I get along with my wife so well when he has been married for 40 years and he is always arguing with my mom.

I told him well I’ll show you let’s go the the father Larry Richards conference coming up.

He agreed, maybe he will stop this nonsense
i think he’s watching too much of the History Channel.

Aliens are a New Age fad…

May God Bless his soul.
My dad who doesn’t go to mass very often and hasn’t been to confession since before I was born (I’m 37). Thinks Jesus was a space alien has anyone heard this claim and how do I dispute it.

He thinks pre Christian society was self destructive so that an alien was implanted in Mary and became Jesus to teach us morals so our species could be preserved from self destruction.
He also thinks Jesus was a space alien that resurrected after the crucifixion and then was assumed into heave “the space ship” in front of his apostles

But he doesn’t believe in heaven, hell, or the resurection because Jesus the space alien made all of it up to help our species
Well I don’t know how can you disprove his theory, but you can ask him to say his “arguments” and then simply disprove his “arguments”
My dad thinks Jesus was a space alien… has anyone heard this claim and how do I dispute it.
Aren’t we all. Let it be. Maybe he’s the Son of The Space Alien…

It is speculative word play. Whatever he believes… he doesn’t know. No one does. We might think we know, but we don’t. We believe.

So long as he believes Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
My dad who doesn’t go to mass very often and hasn’t been to confession since before I was born (I’m 37). Thinks Jesus was a space alien has anyone heard this claim and how do I dispute it.

He thinks pre Christian society was self destructive so that an alien was implanted in Mary and became Jesus to teach us morals so our species could be preserved from self destruction.
He also thinks Jesus was a space alien that resurrected after the crucifixion and then was assumed into heave “the space ship” in front of his apostles

But he doesn’t believe in heaven, hell, or the resurection because Jesus the space alien made all of it up to help our species
He must watch the History Channel where the ancient alien advocates spout this garbage day after day.
Well, my dad believed humans descended from aliens. 🤷 And he went to Mass every Sunday his whole life.
Yes jesus is a human/alien hybrid. But he is still the son of god. Heaven is another planet.
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