My dad watches porn, will he go to hell?

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Please please help!! I found out my dad watches porn by accidentally seeing a tab open where he sends pornography links to himself. He even covers it up by browsing in “incognito/private” mode and deletes his history. I’m very worried for his soul and I really hope he doesn’t go to hell. He is a man of short temper, so I can’t just tell confront him about it because I’m awfully scared. He prays the rosary sometimes with our family and goes to mass…but never confesses his sins, even on Easter or Christmas! My mom is very religious and I feel so hurt on behalf of her. I don’t know what to do…please pray for his soul! I feel awful about it too…we have a 1 and a half year old at home and it feels so wrong to see such a happy side of him with the baby but a sneaky side alone. Will he go to hell?
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Thank you 🙂 But I’m finding it hard to love him since I feel like he’s betraying my mother…any suggestions?
God tells you to honor your father and mother. You do that by staying out of their personal private business and praying for them.

One of life’s lessons is that your parents are human and they are not perfect. Love them anyway. We’re all sinners, includng you, so don’t be taking some moral high ground with your own father.
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That’s true. But many factors are involved…addiction issues, whether he knows he is sinning at the moment…God doesn’t create people in his own image, for the purpose is sending them to hell.

But, he will be held accountable…which may be the reason that God allowed you to see his well-hidden porn sites! At the moment, all you can do is pray for him…which often works wonders!

Pray for your mom, too. That she’ll be given the wisdom as to what to do, if she finds out.

It seems you’ve got a lot of praying to do. Don’t become obsessed and let it take over your life! But, do remember to pray! And I pray that your dad’s actions don’t effect your life too much. Nor those of your mom, brother, or other family members! God Bless!!!
Sorry if I came across as rude 😦 I discovered this by accident, he left a tab open that I was about to close when the words caught my eye. I just found it a little disturbing that he’s hiding it from my mother. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I thought I was better than him or less of a sinner. Thank you for your reply! ☺️
Okay, I will try my best to live a holy life. Thank you for the advice ❤️
Yes, I’ll make sure I do. Thanks for the quick response 🌷💓
Thank you for the kind answer, I appreciate it a lot. I’ll be praying a lot for him, and my mother as well. God bless you always!! ❤️❤️❤️
God tells you to honor your father and mother. You do that by staying out of their personal private business and praying for them.
Not always. Sometimes parents need to be told that what they’re doing isn’t right. I wouldn’t say anything to mom straight away but perhaps the OP should drop a hint to dad that you know.
God tells you to honor your father and mother. You do that by staying out of their personal private business and praying for them.
I think this advise that come from an older person may be hard to heard for some teenagers. They love their parents, they are there models, so they cannot have what they perceived as an “ugly” side. They don’t compartmentalized their life and person as more mature adults may do.

Never mind, the OP seems to have taken your advise well.
Not always. Sometimes parents need to be told that what they’re doing isn’t right. I wouldn’t say anything to mom straight away but perhaps the OP should drop a hint to dad that you know.
Maybe. But as this topic is very sensitive, sexual by nature, it may be hard for many people to drop a hint to someone so close as a father. I would never dare myself.
Yeah hes going to hell.
unless He confesses his sin and sins no more.
No, we cannot say for sure he is going to hell. Only God knows his heart. All three conditions of mortal sin may not be met. Please don’t make statements like this.
If porn is watched not sorry and doesn’t go to confession and “assumes” he will be forgiven at last rites…that’s the sin of presumption and he goes to hell. Tell him to stop and go to confession.
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If porn is watched not sorry and doesn’t go to confession and “assumes” he will be forgiven at last rites…that’s the sin of presumption and he goes to hell. Tell him to stop and go to confession.
We have no way of knowing—from what the OP has posted—that this is what he is doing. We cannot know that he isn’t sorry and presumes he will be forgiven at last rites.

We also don’t know if all three conditions of mortal sin are met: grave matter, full knowledge, full consent. We know it’s grave matter, but the other two conditions may or may not be met.

You can’t make definitive statements that a particular person is going to hell.
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I know and I’m sorry. I hope the op forgives me too. I’m not myself. God understands and shows mercy. I just lost my mom and pray for her soul.

OP just pray for your dad and mom too. I pray each day for for people here. It was rude and uncalled for. I’ll keep you and family in my prayers

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