Please please help!! I found out my dad watches porn by accidentally seeing a tab open where he sends pornography links to himself. He even covers it up by browsing in “incognito/private” mode and deletes his history. I’m very worried for his soul and I really hope he doesn’t go to hell. He is a man of short temper, so I can’t just tell confront him about it because I’m awfully scared. He prays the rosary sometimes with our family and goes to mass…but never confesses his sins, even on Easter or Christmas! My mom is very religious and I feel so hurt on behalf of her. I don’t know what to do…please pray for his soul! I feel awful about it too…we have a 1 and a half year old at home and it feels so wrong to see such a happy side of him with the baby but a sneaky side alone. Will he go to hell?
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