My dog is dying

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I just found out that my parents are putting my dog down…i don’t want them to. I’ve been crying all day. She’s been with me through everything. When I moved out, she (and my little sister) was the only thing that made me want to come back home. But the sad thing is they won’t even wait a few days until I come up and see her. I won’t even get to say goodbye because they are going to do it tomorrow because my mom doesn’t want to deal with her anymore. I know this sounds really self-pity-ish, but I never get to say goodbye to the people (things) i love before they die. I just wanted to say goodbye to her. I don’t know what to do because I’m so sad…any help on how to deal? I’m lost right now.
If the dog is suffering, it wouldn’t be right to make it suffer until you can see it. As human beings, we are stewards of God’s lesser creations, and we have legitimate power of life and death over them. We are called by compassion to end unnecessary suffering. If the dog is not suffering, however, and is simply old, perhaps you can simply tell them what you posted here, and appeal to their sense of love for you and your dog.
I just found out that my parents are putting my dog down…i don’t want them to. I’ve been crying all day. She’s been with me through everything. When I moved out, she (and my little sister) was the only thing that made me want to come back home. But the sad thing is they won’t even wait a few days until I come up and see her. I won’t even get to say goodbye because they are going to do it tomorrow because my mom doesn’t want to deal with her anymore. I know this sounds really self-pity-ish, but I never get to say goodbye to the people (things) i love before they die. I just wanted to say goodbye to her. I don’t know what to do because I’m so sad…any help on how to deal? I’m lost right now.
I’m sorry your’e going through this hard time. I know pretty much how you feel. A few years ago my parents had our dog put to sleep that I had grown up with. They didn’t even let me or my sisters know they were doing it until it was already done, and my 2 sisters lived right there in town (I lived 2 hours away). It was really hard because I wished I could have said goodbye. I would have if I had known. I’m sure your parents are doing what they think is best for the dog, putting it out of it’s misery. Anyway, I just wanted to share that I know how you feel and I’m sorry. You’ll be in my prayers. :gopray:
My dog has bone cancer. She isn’t in pain but her leg has a big tumour that was removed a few months ago but grew back. She started to chew at it and now it bleeds a lot. My mom just doesn’t want to look at it anymore. It not bleeding so much that she’ll need a blood tranfusion, just once and a while. First they were going to put her down next week, but now my mom thinks her leg is gross and wants her gone tomorrow even though i will be there in a few days (she’s gone a week so far how she is). All i want is to say Good-bye and spend some time with her.But if she truly is suffering then I would understand.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. The only thing I can think of to say is to keep in mind that soon she’ll be in a better place, happier than even you or I can be on this earth, and that someday you’ll see her again.
Dr. Colossus:
If the dog is suffering, it wouldn’t be right to make it suffer until you can see it. As human beings, we are stewards of God’s lesser creations, and we have legitimate power of life and death over them. We are called by compassion to end unnecessary suffering. If the dog is not suffering, however, and is simply old, perhaps you can simply tell them what you posted here, and appeal to their sense of love for you and your dog.
I concure. If the dog is suffering, compassion calls for ending the unnessasary suffering. I know how hard it is but one must love enough to do the right thing. We had to put our dog to sleep last week. This is a dog which had only months before, saved my husbands life. If ever one could be torn by making such a decision, we were. I miss her terribly but there was no hope she would get better. I loved her enough to let go and do the right thing. Not what I wanted by any stretch of the imagination, but what God calls me to do.

As the dog has cancer and is chewing at the tumor, you can be pretty sure she is suffering. Dog’s unlike humans do not always moan in pain. They suffer alot in silence, but chewing at a tumor is a sign she is suffering. As to blood transfusions, I don’t know about your parents but most people cannot afford to spend $1000 dollars for a treatment that will not change things. We had already done it once for our dog. We are still paying the Vet bill off and that is another reason to give up and put the dog out of it’s misery. Wasting money to prolong the dogs suffering is very bad stewardship.

Bottom line, the dog is suffering and will not get well. These type of things can lead to prolonged suffering and usually do if someone does not finally say enough is enough. You Mom is right child. You have to let go and just Thank God for the time you have had with her. You are caught up in your wants and while it is natural, true love calls for doing what is best for the dog.
i never thought of it that way…I just figured she was annoyed by it. I just wish i could see her one last time…
i never thought of it that way…I just figured she was annoyed by it. I just wish i could see her one last time…
Do you have a cell phone that has video? Maybe you could try that. Just a thought. I know it’s not a huggable way but maybe you will feel better.
If you do not get to see her again Raphaela, keep her warmly in your memories. This may not be of much consolation now, but with time, the pain of losing her will fade and the memories of having her will last. I’m so sorry you are feeling going through this.
Perhaps ask your mom if she could trim a bit of the dog’s fur for you as a keepsake - And I’ll ask St. Francis to pray for you.

Thank you all for your prayers. Kage that is a good idea, i may do that.

I found this on the internet and I thought of you…

Out of the mouths of babes…
**A 10 yr. old dog, “Belker,” had cancer. The vet went to the family’s home to put the dog out of its misery in its own home. The parents thought their 4 yr. old son, Shane, should witness the experience to help get closure on the pet’s death. **After the euthanasia procedure, the vet wrote: "We sat together for a while after Belker’s death wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up…‘I know why.’ Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I had never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, 'Everybody is born so they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody and being nice, right? Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.'

I truly pray that this little story helps you to find some peace in this tough situation.

a pilgrim
I’m so sorry that you are going through this, I know from experience how tough it is. We have a 14 year old dog and
he has become confused in the last few months and really
slowed down. It is hard to see the changes in him. I will
pray for you.
just put my golden retriever (16 years old) down last week. he had a inoperable tumor for the past 2 years, kept him home because he basically showed no signs of pain, had a great appetite and was generally really happy till the last days when, one day two weeks ago, he had trouble standing and seemed to start being in pain… holding him while the put him down at the shelter was my last act of love toward him. his brother (15 years old) was put down last month after having a bad stroke… so i lost 2 dogs in a month. it was hard, but the seach is on for the new pups… in a week or so i’ll get 2 more… the house isn’t a home without dogs running around. and someone needs to terrorize my finace’s 3 cats. so i better get working on finding some pups quick. this prayer hangs in my studio.

A Dog’s Prayer

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more
grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand
between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me
the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s sweetest music, as you must
know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my
waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated
animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory then
the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Though had you no
home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the
softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I
am your devoted worshiper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you
were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that
I may do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready and able to
protect your with my life should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master should the great Master see fit to deprive me of my
health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your
arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest-- and I will
leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in
your hands.
everytime i read that dog’s prayer i remember how frikin’ much i love my dogs. had 2 in the house ever since i was born. everyone of them was a gift from God to me.
Raphaela, I am so sorry! I’m sending you hugs in spirit!

When I was a kid we had a dog named Tina, and when I went to college, she was about 16 or 17. Due to familial upheavals, she had gone to live with a beloved Aunt (they loved each other, so we know that God sent the Aunt as a gift to us and the dog). Well, one day she simply barked a few times and disappeared. She’d been healthy, if slow, and a little blind, but spent hours on the Aunt’s lap. Well, when I learned of her death I had to accept it…there was no other way. But for years I had dreams that I found her while looking for my new dog–she would be in a shelter, and impossibly old. In the dream I would hold her, and stroke her white fur, telling her that God needed her back and it was OK to go. I always woke up actively crying.

The fact that you KNOW that your parents are choosing to relieve the dog of suffering is a great blessing. You will always know what became of your beloved dog. For all I know, God simply whisked up our angel of a dog as she literally disappeared. I think that this is what I have always struggled with.

I’m about to adopt a greyhound, in addition to my current dog, a German Shepherd. While doing the reading about greyhounds, there was a section in a book about saying goodbye. Although I have never had to make that choice, and my current dog is very healthy, I cried through the entire chapter.

Losing a pet is so hard because they don’t have the ability to express to us their desire to let go…they just have to trust that we’ll understand. Give this to God and remember he has big shoulders!

Oh, and by the way, so do we all, apparently, so I’m glad you came here to share your grief. You have found many sympathetic souls here! My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry about your dog, raphaela, my heart goes out to you.
We have 2, 13 year old cats, and it’s hard to see them not being able to do the things they love to do. I hope I will be able to let them go someday, so they won’t have to suffer. It’s an act of love for all the love they have shown us.

I’ll keep you in my prayers, raphaela
The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…

Author unknown…

In memory of Nemo…who I lost.
Raphaela, I am so sorry. It is hard to loose such a good friend.
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