My dog is dying

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Thank you everyone!! I’m not sure if my parents are going to put her down today. My step-dad and sister want me to see her, they know I would really appreciate it. They know she’s not in a lot of pain right now but it will get worse very soon. I told them that if they have to put her down today or before i get to see her, then that is ok. I prayed all night last night. My mom on the other hand is the same as she will always be…she told me bluntly (exact words) that she wants the dog dead because she will get blood on the carpet. She’s very materialistic, especially about her precious carpets. i once cut my foot so bad that i almost needed stitches and when i came in to tell her she didn’t ask if i was ok or rush to get me band-aids…instead she screamed at me for gettign blood on her carpet…oh well.

I can’t believe how intune my cat is with my emotions. She’s been super cuddly especially when I’m crying. She lies beside me and pets my face and has even given my a few kitty-hugs. I’m glad i have her here.
Raphaela, my sympathies to you for this loss and I will pray for your dog. I don’t know what your mother’s motivation is, but all we can do is pray that God knows what is best for your old friend and will take care of her.

Whenever your dear dog is euthanized, (I believe) there will be angels waiting to accompany her soul.

May God ease your pain and the pain of your beloved dog and may your dog be at peace.

And getting a bit of her fur, or her collar or something, seems like a neat way to say good-bye and also honor her.
I never had a dog, but have had two cats.
While living at home at the time, we had a male cat that was very smart and very playful. He was born on the day I first started High School and died at home with my parents. (1975-1991).
I hated to see him suffer because of his old age, and that was it. I was not there when he died, but knew that the suffering is over.

Currently I have a 16 year old female cat. (1988 - ). She is very friendly and at times can have ‘the elevator not go up to the top floor’, if you know what I mean?
When I moved into my apartment two years ago, I was told ‘no cats’. It broke my heart when I had to let her go. Then I decided to ask again, and then they said ‘yes’. I have had her back just over a year.
She sleeps with me at the foot of my bed or next to me. She is still pretty healthy and hope for a few more years.

Yes, even though many people complain That pet owners taking better care of their pets than human beings. However, we are to have stewardship over the animals of this world. God created them for our companionship. Seeing my cat reminds me that God created her as much as He wanted to create me.

go with God!

P.S. What kind of dog ?
Any pics to share online?
Thanks Edwin…I dont have any pics as I am technologically inept at the best of times and don’t have a scanner. She’s a black lab and just turned 9 in march. My sis sent me pics of her one from right before I moved and one from a few months ago. In the first pic (before she got sick) she still looks like the puppy she’s always been, she even has the sparkle in her eye that I love so much. But the latest pic she looks so aged, and sick. There is another pic of her after she had her operation. She looks so sad. After I saw this pic, I knew she didn’t have much left in her. To compare the 2 pictures is strange because she looks like 2 different dogs. The tumor on her leg that was operated on grew back, and she chews at it. My sister called me in tears last night because she looked into her eyes and saw that she was in pain.

I know that God is doing this for a reason. I know she can’t stay with me forever, but I’d rather have it that way. I can’t imagine going home and not having her there, though soon it will be a reality and i will have to cope anyway. I’m gonna write a letter and put it in her grave with her. I hope she knows how much she means to me.

I know a lot of people say that pet owners put their pets before people. I know I do because my dog has always been there for me no matter what, she’s never let me down. She listens when i need to talk and doesn’t judge me or criticize me like people can and often do. She never left my side and I know, as sick as she is, If I was ever in danger she’d protect me even if it meant her death. People aren’t so reliable.

I have a constant reminder of her anyway. A few scars on my arm from when she thought I was drowning (I was just playing) and she jumped in, grabbed my bathing suit and dragged me to shore. Her claws scratched me as she swam, but to know that she would do that made me love her even more.

I’ve gotta stop writing cause I’m crying too much, but thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and prayers.

My heart goes out to you. Many people underestimate the value of pets. I’d take the company of a dog or cat over some people I know any day! The loss of an individual who provided so much comfort and companionship, whether they be human or animal, is always sad. You have every right to grieve over the loss of your dog and don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of doing so.

I’ve encountered people with your mother’s mindset many times. I’ll never understand them nor would I want to.

I’ll say a prayer to St. Francis for you. :gopray:
I knew there was a good reason why I didn’t pull this site up this morning.:crying: I am a animal lover, especially doggies (Go figure with a screen name like Puppylove). Last Friday, on the way to work, I saw a dog in the middle of a busy intersection lying dead. I stopped and moved the dog to the shoulder of the road so it wouldn’t get run over time and time again. When I went home for lunch, the dog was gone. Knowing my town and its lack of cleaning up road kills, I’m betting that the owner went looking for it and found its body. It made me feel good that I had preserved its body for the owner. In the parish of Southern Louisiana that I live, there is no animal shelter. My parent’s asinine neighbors called the Sheriff’s office and they came to my paren’ts house the day before yesterday complaining about the cats. Yesterday, my mom had to put down two healthy cats because of their asinine neighbors. It broke her heart and of course mine. My dad says that she was very upset which made me very upset. A third cat that we couldn’t catch yesteday is missing and my mom is very sad. Please pray for her. She always says that when she dies she will be the animal keeper in heaven.😃 God Bless all you animal lovers.

The reality is that people who have pets (and care for those pets) are healthier, live longer, tend to be more responsible, and are just “better people.” Something about pets brings out the best in us.

Now, let me just say that while I believe in spoiling one’s pet if one has the ability to do so, I would not go so far as to buy diamond collars and spend hundreds of dollars in a trip to the dog salon. There IS a limit. I guess my version of “spoiling” is trying to bring my dog places with me, giving the pet a real place in my life, including on my couch or chair! I believe in buying rawhides, treats, “greenies”, and high quality food. I believe in grooming them, trimming their nails, caring for their teeth and springing for the heartgard and frontline. I believe in praising them and petting them and showing them all the time how much I appreciate their loyalty.

When I come home from work or get up in teh morning, the dog doesn’t care how I look, how I’ve spoken, if I don’t care to speak, etc. She just wants love and attention, wants to say “hi” in her doggy way…and be with me wherever I go.

It hurts to lose a devoted companion like that, and we pet owners will all have to face that day at some point. Raphaela, I do hope you get to say goodbye, and like someone stated before, don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed for loving your dog. A good companion deserves your tears at the end of life and your emotions show not only your humanity, but your capacity for love.

God gave you this gift–both the pet and the feelings you have. Neither are anything to be ashamed about. God bless you as you face this parting, and thank you for giving us all here the chance to (hopefully) help you through your grief.
right now, in my foyer, a lab/collie mix - 7 weeks old, is howling for me after spending the last 6 hours in my care… i look foward to giving him the love he deserves…have to train him for the next 15 or so years… gotta take him out back, let hm do his business and give him a hug and put him to bed…

life does move on.

(didn’ expect to get him today, but God works in mysterious ways)
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