Actually, that’s not all we can offer. We can also offer her our prayers, charity and love, all of which will DEFINITELY be useful to her.All we can offer is our own opinions and experience, which may or may not be useful to you.
losinghope2, you know that God loves you and has a plan for you. You must know it every time you look upon your daughters’ precious faces. But you also know that He allows us to make our own choices, even the ones that are really bad for us.
You can’t spend time thinking about what should have been – you can only deal with what is. You are a single mother with two children. You are very young. But you have a supportive family, enough money, and access to education, so you’re in better shape than many moms in your position. Better yet, you are becoming aware that God is real and cares for you. This will change your life! Get to church. You don’t say if you are Catholic, but if you are, then go to confession! Get the sacraments! These are gifts that will help you on your way!
Think about what you would want your daughter to do in your position. Would you want her to waste time pining for her tumultuous past, or would you want her to move on? Would you want her to go it alone, or go with God and His Church? Whatever good you would want for your daughter, you must also want it for yourself. Your daughters will follow the example you set for them. Make it worthy.
I will pray for you!