My Friend Is A Witch

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I have a sort of weird situation. I have this friend who I have known for many years who has gotten heavily into witchcraft. She is freaking me out because she says these things about me that only my husband and I know. I am afraid she has some demonic stuff going on with her. She’s been telling me she’s a prophet and that she senses something bad and that she’s worried about me and my family. Now, I don’t believe her but I don’t want any of her “spells” coming my way, which I know she might do out of concern for me…this is all just really weird and I don’t like it at all. What should I do?
Goodness. I would pray for her, a lot. And maybe get some extra holy water for your fount. And blessed salt. . .

Maybe you could tell her, very carefully, that while you appreciate her concern and love, that you are “in a different space” right now, that you love and care for her deeply even though you have different beliefs and ideas right now, and that you would like to have a moritorium on discussion / sharing etc. right now while you consider carefully (and prayerfully) your life direction, etc. That you need time to think things through to give her the attention that she deserves.

Then stall a lot! 😃 And pray like mad!
I have a sort of weird situation. I have this friend who I have known for many years who has gotten heavily into witchcraft. She is freaking me out because she says these things about me that only my husband and I know. I am afraid she has some demonic stuff going on with her. She’s been telling me she’s a prophet and that she senses something bad and that she’s worried about me and my family. Now, I don’t believe her but I don’t want any of her “spells” coming my way, which I know she might do out of concern for me…this is all just really weird and I don’t like it at all. What should I do?
There are other Wiccans on this board…I hope they pop in to offer some suggestions. I am not one of them, but I have a few friends who consider themselves witches too.
My first :hmmm: comes from the part about her telling you she senses something bad for you and your family. My understanding of Wicca is that it is a personal growth/development journey based on the elements. It is not to develop psychic or prophetic skills to use toward others. And if they happen to have developed such ‘skill’ then by virtue of their philosophy they would never alarm anyone with any negative visions/readings. So the fact that she is alarming you with fear suggests she isn’t a true “witch”.

Personally, I would confront her with that. Let her know that if she does consider herself a witch, then she isn’t being a very good role model for the practice by telling you these things. Just as you are called to represent Catholicism in all you do and say, she should represent her ‘faith’ by the same measure. Suggest to her that she go back to the books she’s been reading or the website she’s been picking up her directions from because from what you understand about Wicca she is not on the right track.

In the meantime ask her to please refrain from sharing any other ‘visions’ with you as it puts your friendship in a tenuous situation since her sharing such ‘insights’ compromises your faith and if you have to choose between your faith or your friend, she’s going to lose.
I have a sort of weird situation. I have this friend who I have known for many years who has gotten heavily into witchcraft. She is freaking me out because she says these things about me that only my husband and I know. I am afraid she has some demonic stuff going on with her. She’s been telling me she’s a prophet and that she senses something bad and that she’s worried about me and my family. Now, I don’t believe her but I don’t want any of her “spells” coming my way, which I know she might do out of concern for me…this is all just really weird and I don’t like it at all. What should I do?
Depends on what she is into - satanism or paganism/wicca.

They aren’t even close the same thing, there have been several threads on this topic, do a search for wicca and you’ll find them, I’m a former Wiccan, now Catholic if there’s anything I can answer for you not in those threads send me a PM.
I have had several of my friends get involved in witch craft. I don’t have any idea what they thought or believed, but I do know that they practiced “magic” and tried to cast “spells” and things like that. On different occasions (for reasons I won’t get into) they cast “spells” on or at me personally. A very distraut girlfriend of one of them cast several “curses” at me for trying to talk my one friend back to the faith (he eventually returned on his own). Now not a single “spell” or “curse” ever had any kind of impact or effect on my life either for good or for ill. If you are concerened however I would suggest the prayer to Saint Michael, however I personally never gave it any concern. I certainly agree with one of the people above who encouraged you to pray for your friend. I always found that prayer is far more powerful than any “spell”.
I have a sort of weird situation. I have this friend who I have known for many years who has gotten heavily into witchcraft. She is freaking me out because she says these things about me that only my husband and I know. I am afraid she has some demonic stuff going on with her. She’s been telling me she’s a prophet and that she senses something bad and that she’s worried about me and my family. Now, I don’t believe her but I don’t want any of her “spells” coming my way, which I know she might do out of concern for me…this is all just really weird and I don’t like it at all. What should I do?
Satan knows a lot more than we give it credit, but only what God allows, just because your friend can tell you this and that doesn’t mean a thing, Jesus has won the victory.
Just like my southern Irish friend Fergal said that the demons could do us no harm because they were in hell, ok, if theyre in hell then why is there so much destruction going on in this world ?
Don’t become besotted with satan, the more you trust in God the mor satans power is diminished.
(just my thoughts)
Father Gabriel Amorth is the Chief exorcist of Rome, who works for the Holy Father. You may want to research some things he has written on the subject similar to what you mention here. You may want to google his name, and read some of his articles. Clearly, your friend seems to be influenced by something demonic, if she if fact has known things you never mentioned, nor told her.:crying:
I have a sort of weird situation. I have this friend who I have known for many years who has gotten heavily into witchcraft. She is freaking me out because she says these things about me that only my husband and I know. I am afraid she has some demonic stuff going on with her. She’s been telling me she’s a prophet and that she senses something bad and that she’s worried about me and my family. Now, I don’t believe her but I don’t want any of her “spells” coming my way, which I know she might do out of concern for me…this is all just really weird and I don’t like it at all. What should I do?
Please visit St. Michael’s Call website and look for spiritual prayers of protection:

We are not to be afraid of anything or anyone as Christians, but we can still be troubled by evil not of our doing. Be careful and IMHO limit contact with this person, say prayers, and frequent the sacraments often so you can be strong spiritually.
The next time she wants to cast a spell (I’m assuming with a positive intention) or if she is telling you that something bad is coming, tell her thank you and you will return the favor and say a prayer for her to keep her safe also. I’m sure she would appreciate it, and it gets the ball roling for a friendly conversation of actually what you believe. Sometimes people search, not realizing what being a Catholic is not realizing it is what they are looking fow.
I just finished reading Father Amorths two books. I would suggest…(and I held this opinion before reading his stuff) to halt ALL contact with your friend. A witch has NO PLACE in the life of a Christian…other than being prayed for. You seriously run the risk of demonic influence becoming attached to you. IF you find breaking off the relationship impossible…then MY suggestion is for you to purchase a St Bendict Jubilee Medal and have it Blessed. He is one of the most highly indulgenced Saints who did battle with the Evil forces. He is a powerful intercesser before God for protecting people from Demonic attack, influence, poisons, curses, diseases, danger, etc…
You think you’ve got it bad…with your friend as a witch…one of my friends is a werewolf…sometimes you can’t even talk to him!
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. I don’t think she is really into Satanism. I know she has been involved in Wicca/Paganism in the past but she says she was born a witch, that her mom is a witch…of course this is all news to me (and I’ve known her for over 15 years). She says she was a queen in a past life. I think she’s been into drugs. She talks about astral planing. To top it all off she is bi-polar. I understand the suggestions about avoiding contact with her…and have been considering it. I am just wondering what are my responsibilities when it comes to her spiritual well-being? I don’t think anything I say will change her mind. She is of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter what anyone says, that this is who she was born as.

I have been praying for her a lot. I have told her that I have prayed the rosary for her. She seemed to appreciate the thought, I guess.
Tom of Assisi:
You think you’ve got it bad…with your friend as a witch…one of my friends is a werewolf…sometimes you can’t even talk to him!
Is this supposed to be some sort of joke? I don’t get it…:confused:
I am just wondering what are my responsibilities when it comes to her spiritual well-being? I don’t think anything I say will change her mind.
Personally, I would tell her why you are thinking of limiting contact with her, she should know your reasons and hopefully give her the “Good News” of the gospel message, you never know it could help her someday even of you aren’t in contact anymore.
Continue to offer prayers, maybe have Mass offered for her.
Tom of Assisi:
You think you’ve got it bad…with your friend as a witch…one of my friends is a werewolf…sometimes you can’t even talk to him!
Are you just trying to add humor here, or are you trying to negate withes and withcraft are out there? If the latter, I respectfully suggest you read what the Official teachings of the Church are regarding the devil and his influence. Or, read what the current Pope’s own exorcist(Father Gabriel Amorth) says.😉
Faithful 2 Rome:
I just finished reading Father Amorths two books. I would suggest…(and I held this opinion before reading his stuff) to halt ALL contact with your friend. A witch has NO PLACE in the life of a Christian…other than being prayed for. You seriously run the risk of demonic influence becoming attached to you. IF you find breaking off the relationship impossible…then MY suggestion is for you to purchase a St Bendict Jubilee Medal and have it Blessed. He is one of the most highly indulgenced Saints who did battle with the Evil forces. He is a powerful intercesser before God for protecting people from Demonic attack, influence, poisons, curses, diseases, danger, etc…
This is the most true and best posting here, and is probably the best advice you will get on this. Break all ties with your “friend.” This is the Christian thing to do, until she changes her ways. wicca, satanism, etc, is all the same according to Father Gabriel Amorth, and he says that is one of the devil’s tactics, to make it seem as if is only white magic, or nature oriented etc.
Use Holy Water frequently, and also have holy objects such as a crucifix(blessed by a priest, with Holy Water) near you.
Stay close to mary, and continue praying the Rosary. You may want to consider praying the Saint Micheal the Archangel prayer.
God bless you.
Tom of Assisi:
You think you’ve got it bad…with your friend as a witch…one of my friends is a werewolf…sometimes you can’t even talk to him!
Now Tom, this is not nice and I don’t think the ladies appreciated your humor,

Antonio :tsktsk:
One concern I have is what if I tell her I have to limit my contact with her and she gets mad? What if she tries to put some sort of curse on me because of it? Don’t get me wrong, I know God is more powerful…it’s just that I don’t want to have to deal with that! It’s been bad enough around here anyway. I really think there is some demonic activity going on. I don’t want to get into details because it’s pretty freaky and I don’t want to dwell on it anyway. Just please pray for me and my family…and for my friend as well.
One concern I have is what if I tell her I have to limit my contact with her and she gets mad? What if she tries to put some sort of curse on me because of it? Don’t get me wrong, I know God is more powerful…it’s just that I don’t want to have to deal with that! It’s been bad enough around here anyway. I really think there is some demonic activity going on. I don’t want to get into details because it’s pretty freaky and I don’t want to dwell on it anyway. Just please pray for me and my family…and for my friend as well.
Ultimately that will be your decision because only you know all the circumstances of this case.

Now, if it were up to me, I would politely cut off all contact with her. Now, should I be afraid, she would do something to me, spiritually speaking? No, because I have the armor of the Eucharist, God’s grace, and the Holy Rosary, and no evil force can deal with those spiritual weapons!

Antonio 🙂
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