My Friend Is A Witch

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Tom of Assisi:
You think you’ve got it bad…with your friend as a witch…one of my friends is a werewolf…sometimes you can’t even talk to him!
I burst out laughing when I read your post thanks for the smile.

Personally, I have a dragon on our block -
I don’t think she is really into Satanism. I know she has been involved in Wicca/Paganism in the past but she says she was born a witch, that her mom is a witch…of course this is all news to me (and I’ve known her for over 15 years). She says she was a queen in a past life. I think she’s been into drugs. She talks about astral planing. To top it all off she is bi-polar…She is of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter what anyone says, that this is who she was born as.
Boy, oh, boy. It sounds as if it is the “knowing things about me that only my husband knows” is what has you concerned. Otherwise, it would be fair to wonder if what you hear from her isn’t just a combination of drugs and a mental disorder talking. You might easily discount much likelihood that any of it is coming from a spiritual direction.

It is possible that a great deal of what she is saying IS the drugs and the mental illness talking. As for the things that only you and your husband know…well, she has known you for 15 years. She may know much more about you than you think, and by entirely natural means. Whether she is formally “into” Satanism or not, those who know about Wicca and who have posted here have pretty much confirmed that she’s not on Planet Wicca. In other words, you describe a very vulnerable person who is placing herself open to nearly any influence on the mental or spiritual plane that happens to fly by. She is in such danger.

By all means avail yourself of the sacraments, sacramentals, and the intercession of the saints, but take care that you yourself do not fall into superstition. The difference is whether you are placing your trust in God or in a ritual or an object. In the latter cases, you play into the hands of evil. If you put your trust in God, on the other hand, and tune your ear to His promptings, you need not be afraid. These other things are meant to be instruments to that end. He will call you out of harm’s way if need be, and if He calls you away from her, He will not leave her abandoned. Get used to the idea that the help she needs may come, but not come directly from you.

If she is bi-polar and into drugs, however, she may not be overrun with friends who are on a sound mental footing, let alone a sound spiritual one. If you are called to it, do not be afraid to stay by her side and treat her as one of the poorest of the poor. Love the Christ within her, and you will not be led into participating in her ruin or yours. And of course, pray, pray, pray, and seek wise council often, because that is the majority of what I mean by “listen.” You will be in my prayers, too.
One concern I have is what if I tell her I have to limit my contact with her and she gets mad? What if she tries to put some sort of curse on me because of it? Don’t get me wrong, I know God is more powerful…it’s just that I don’t want to have to deal with that! It’s been bad enough around here anyway. I really think there is some demonic activity going on. I don’t want to get into details because it’s pretty freaky and I don’t want to dwell on it anyway. Just please pray for me and my family…and for my friend as well.
Again, did you get a hold of Father Gabriel Amorth’s book: “An Exorcist Tells His Story.”? You should really really read it, he included special prayers(approved by the Church for this situation) in the back of the book. Again, break ties with her, and pray the Rosary daily. Use the Brown Scapular, and everytime you step outside, bless yourself with Holy Water(get some from a Catholic Church). The anxiety you have regarding fears that she may put a “curse” on you, is a way the devil uses to keep you close to her, and fear is always from the devil. Trust the Blessed Mother, Mary. Stay in frequent confession, away from sin, and pray lots. If possible go to Mass on a daily basis, and receieve Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
It is possible that a great deal of what she is saying IS the drugs and the mental illness talking. As for the things that only you and your husband know…well, she has known you for 15 years. She may know much more about you than you think, and by entirely natural means.
No, it is nothing like what you think. This is something that I never told anyone in my whole life until I told my husband about a week ago. Then a couple days later my friend says something like ,“my mind is opening up and I see you…” and proceeds to tell me what I had just told my husband.
Again, did you get a hold of Father Gabriel Amorth’s book: “An Exorcist Tells His Story.”? You should really really read it, he included special prayers(approved by the Church for this situation) in the back of the book. Again, break ties with her, and pray the Rosary daily. Use the Brown Scapular, and everytime you step outside, bless yourself with Holy Water(get some from a Catholic Church). The anxiety you have regarding fears that she may put a “curse” on you, is a way the devil uses to keep you close to her, and fear is always from the devil. Trust the Blessed Mother, Mary. Stay in frequent confession, away from sin, and pray lots. If possible go to Mass on a daily basis, and receieve Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
I have not had a chance to look for his book but I plan to go to the Catholic bookstore this weekend. The closest one is an hour away so it’s not the easiest to get to. I have looked at some stuff about Father Gabriel Amorth and some quotes by him on the internet and it sounds like it would be helpful.

I have been praying the Rosary almost daily. I have wanted to daily but it seems like many times when I plan to something happens that makes it impossible. I have been going to daily Mass.

I think you are right about the devil using my anxiety about her cursing me. Not only that but also I don’t want to be responsibile for contributing to her sin so I am a little hesitant to break ties with her for that reason also.
Whoa…from what i can tell here is the general response is.

Wicca=Demonic hell worshiper trying to poorly disguise themselves as good.Thats a bit harsh dont you think.Theres a lot of clouding around Wicca as a whole and there’s a distinct “lack” of devil worshiping in it.There is no need to tip gallons of holy water over your head whenever you think you might come into contact with this person.

Whats more if she is a “Wiccan” and not some misguided person who thinks Wicca is all about snazzy spells and seeing into the future(which it is not). Then she would not need to curse you. If she wanted to harm you Which i doubt she would all she would have to do is sit on a chair and clean her nails and wait for the Law Of Three rule(a wiccan belife). To do what it dose.

You really shouldn’t be petrified of her. I go with what’s already been said. Just talk to her and ask her to direct his Phropicle and Spiritual attention elsewhere or at the least just don’t mention things she has or has claimed to have seen.

and before i end this can i ask why Misericordie
is so set that Wicca is a satanist religion.?

and before i end this can i ask why Misericordie
is so set that Wicca is a satanist religion.?


This is obviously not Misericordie and I’m sure he/she will answer soon, but Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Anything that draws us away from God, as He wants us to know Him, is ultimately of an evil influence. MHO 🙂
Whoa…from what i can tell here is the general response is.

Wicca=Demonic hell worshiper trying to poorly disguise themselves as good.Thats a bit harsh dont you think.Theres a lot of clouding around Wicca as a whole and there’s a distinct “lack” of devil worshiping in it.There is no need to tip gallons of holy water over your head whenever you think you might come into contact with this person.

Whats more if she is a “Wiccan” and not some misguided person who thinks Wicca is all about snazzy spells and seeing into the future(which it is not). Then she would not need to curse you. If she wanted to harm you Which i doubt she would all she would have to do is sit on a chair and clean her nails and wait for the Law Of Three rule(a wiccan belife). To do what it dose.

You really shouldn’t be petrified of her. I go with what’s already been said. Just talk to her and ask her to direct his Phropicle and Spiritual attention elsewhere or at the least just don’t mention things she has or has claimed to have seen.

and before i end this can i ask why Misericordie
is so set that Wicca is a satanist religion.?

Anything that departs from the adoration of the ONE true God: father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in favor of creation or self worship, though not identified commonly as mainline satanism, has demonic influence. One error is that many beleive all is hay okay with wicca, when in fact it falls under superstition, and sorcery, which is always a grave sin, and hence: sin opens the soul to demonic influence.
According to Father Gabriel Amorth, the most famous, current exorcist in the world, any form of deviation from the truth preached by Jesus Christ, and which is handed to us through His One Holy Catholic Church, is not truth, and hence is a lie=devil.
The expert in all this is Father Gabriel Amorth, you may want to read some of his stuff.
To top it all off she is bi-polar.
If your friend is bi-polar then you are dealing with some mental issues, especially if she is not appropriately medicated and also participating in counseling.
This is obviously not Misericordie and I’m sure he/she will answer soon, but Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Anything that draws us away from God, as He wants us to know Him, is ultimately of an evil influence. MHO 🙂
Amen!! Bingo!!
Yes, we can never underestimate the dangers of any form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a mortal sin and extremely grave in all forms…even under the guise of ‘friendly white magic’ as in the Wiccan religion. Wiccans are placing their souls in grave danger by opening themselves up to the powers of the Evil One. They may not realize it, but they are pawns of Satan.

As for the specific subject of this thread…I add my voice to the multitude: PRAY! Pray over your house, in the name of Jesus. Pray over your soul and your loved ones. Use sacramentals. Continue to pray the Rosary. Pray to your guardian angel to protect you against demonic influences. Pray to St. Michael. Pray to St. Gabrael. Pray to all the Holy Angels. (Remember, whatever powers she has are from demons…so your guardian angel, I’m sure, would seek to protect you from any demons that happen along towards your house). As well, we have the Holy Spirit as Christians, and authority in Christ’s name over demons.

If you feel the need, you could even request that your pastor bless your house…or, perhaps even better…pray a blessing of protection over yourself and your loved ones. (Or any holy person you know…in addition perhaps).
Yes, we can never underestimate the dangers of any form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a mortal sin and extremely grave in all forms…even under the guise of ‘friendly white magic’ as in the Wiccan religion. Wiccans are placing their souls in grave danger by opening themselves up to the powers of the Evil One. They may not realize it, but they are pawns of Satan.

As for the specific subject of this thread…I add my voice to the multitude: PRAY! Pray over your house, in the name of Jesus. Pray over your soul and your loved ones. Use sacramentals. Continue to pray the Rosary. Pray to your guardian angel to protect you against demonic influences. Pray to St. Michael. Pray to St. Gabrael. Pray to all the Holy Angels. (Remember, whatever powers she has are from demons…so your guardian angel, I’m sure, would seek to protect you from any demons that happen along towards your house). As well, we have the Holy Spirit as Christians, and authority in Christ’s name over demons.

If you feel the need, you could even request that your pastor bless your house…or, perhaps even better…pray a blessing of protection over yourself and your loved ones. (Or any holy person you know…in addition perhaps).
You may also want to consider praying this prayer EVERY day: Saint Micheal the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou o’ Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.
Try your best to pray this exorcism prayer daily. The exorcisnm prayer of pope Leo XIII (approved by the Church).
Padre Pio was also known to have battled evil, even physically. He might be a good choice to ask for intercession on your friend’s behalf.
You stated one of your hesitations about breaking ties with your friend was that you were afraid she would place more curses on you.

Do not be afraid of that. Jesus is more powerful and can break a curse. The advice you have received in this thread is very sound. Stay close to God, the sacraments, and prayers.

If you keep in contact with your friend out of fear, the devil has won. He is king of fear. Each time you have exposure to your friend, the devil has again won by keeping you captive. Because she can deliver a message to you through one of her newfound visions - one one is enlightening her except for the devil and his demonic minions.

This is about protecting your soul. Don’t let her back in BUT pray hard for her to be delivered.

God Bless

No, it is nothing like what you think. This is something that I never told anyone in my whole life until I told my husband about a week ago. Then a couple days later my friend says something like ,“my mind is opening up and I see you…” and proceeds to tell me what I had just told my husband.
You might be surprised at how much information a person gives out about themselves without even realizing it. Just like that show with the guy who supposedly contacts dead relatives and tells the people in the audience things about themselves. Alot of people are blown away by what he says, but he is very good at reading people and their responces and reactions. Someone who has known you for as long as this person has will be even more capable of doing that.

Also I’d like to say that I have pointed things out to my own friends and they were amazed at my perception of what they thought was secret and my ability to point out the details, even correctly speculating to the type of language they used(out of respect to them I won’t specify here). They joked about me being “psychic”, but that had nothing to do with it. I just know my friends and I know how they act, how they talk, how they interact. I also have an excellent read of what is going on in their life, even right down to their marriage. Not because I have any supernatural powers, nor that I am a snoop or a gossip, but simply because I am a close friend and I know them so well. So please do not rule out the mundane too quickly with regards to your friend. 🙂
You might be surprised at how much information a person gives out about themselves without even realizing it. Just like that show with the guy who supposedly contacts dead relatives and tells the people in the audience things about themselves. Alot of people are blown away by what he says, but he is very good at reading people and their responces and reactions. Someone who has known you for as long as this person has will be even more capable of doing that.

Also I’d like to say that I have pointed things out to my own friends and they were amazed at my perception of what they thought was secret and my ability to point out the details, if correctly speculating to the type of language they used(out of respect to them I won’t specify here). The joked about me being “psychic”, but that had nothing to do with it. I just know my friends and I know how they act, how they talk, how they interact. I also have an excellent read of what is going on in their life, even right down to their marriage. Not because I am a snoop or a gossip, but simply because I am a close friend and I know them so well. So please do not rule out the mundane too quickly with regards to your friend. 🙂
I have not seen this friend of mine for over 10 years. She does not live near me, has never met my husband or children. We have only communicated via email and telephone (rarely). I was talking to her on the phone when she “revealed” this to me. There is NO WAY she could have known. I am aware that people can sense things about their friends but not this particular thing, and especially not when she hasn’t seen me in so long. If she could have even come close to guessing this she would have had to have seen me.
I have not seen this friend of mine for over 10 years. She does not live near me, has never met my husband or children. We have only communicated via email and telephone (rarely). I was talking to her on the phone when she “revealed” this to me. There is NO WAY she could have known. I am aware that people can sense things about their friends but not this particular thing, and especially not when she hasn’t seen me in so long. If she could have even come close to guessing this she would have had to have seen me.
Please know that I am not argueing with you on this. I am just very skepticle here (please forgive me for that). When I was alot younger many of my friends became involved with witchcraft/wicca etc and joined witch covens, dens and whatever else. They seemed to pull off some pretty wild stuff…but it turned out to all have a very ordinary explination. I just ask that you keep a little skepticism in the back of your mind., that’s all. And I’ll quite trying to talk you out of it now!!! Ha Ha Ha! 🙂

God bless you
One must pray much: we must as catholics return to the use of sacramentals, blessed Crucifixes at home in each room, and always the daily Rosary, and the Brown Scapular. Holy Water should be properly blessed and used daily.
Hopefully you continue to pray your daily Rosary, use Holy Water etc.

God bless you!!🙂
I have been praying the Rosary almost daily. I have wanted to daily but it seems like many times when I plan to something happens that makes it impossible. I have been going to daily Mass.
Bonica ~

This may help with your intention to say a daily Rosary.
It’s from the Mary Foundation, and you can get a tape or CD of the Rosary for free. It also includes the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

I usually say it in the car on my drive home. I don’t know if it is the perfect way to say the Rosary, but it makes me feel alot better. . .

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