“Our Daily Bread” is not a Catholic publication. It does provide a yearly plan for reading the Bible in a year. Each day has a short meditation, a reflection , a testimony.
The reflection for Saturday 8 June was based on Ecclesiastes 1:3-11. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again.”
Life is full of tasks like cooking, doing dishes, mowing the lawn, and laundry that are mundane and repititive. Once completed, they have to be repeated, again and again. The writer of Ecclesiates opens the book complaining about this endless cycle of vanity.
Yet our ultimate fulfilment lies in God. “There’s comfort in knowing that God values even the ordinary, seemingly mundane aspects of life and will reward our faithfulness.”
Yes, many of us to find comfort in the “ritual of the beads,” and other rhythms of the day. There is comfort in praying the Liturgy of the Hours, in knowing that when I rise praying the Morning Offering serves as a defense against the first Spiritual Battle of the day. There is additional comfort in knowing the history behind the prayers of the Church. The Angelus originated as a prayer of peace and tranquility during the Crusades, and is traditionally prayed at 6am, noon, and 6pm. The LOTH marks the hours of the day while the Mass is timeless.
Recalling our Judeo traditions, the Jews prayed at noon and 3pm, according to Scripture. The Divine Mercy is prayed at 3pm, the time commerating the crucifixion of Our Lord, a Holy Hour that many set for prayer.
St. Paul called for Christians to “pray unceasingly.” There are many ways that can be done. Don’t overlook the ordinary rhythms and rituals that make up a day. They can bring comfort during times of stress when things are not so ordinary.