My Kind of Christian!

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I wonder what you lot will make of this? This is a radio program so you can listen to it while you’re doing other things, which is cool!

It has gone some way to restoring my faith in America: - that religion isn’t just a political football that has been altered in order to pedal an agenda. That some people are following a Christian agenda and not propoganda. (Sorry, this isn’t meant to offend anyone, just voice my personal concerns).

He asks the question, how has Jesus become pro-war, pro-rich and only pro-American?

Brilliant the way he talks of God as personal, but not private.

You know, I’m so relieved that there is someone over there with the Christian message- addressing the real issues, peace, justice, poverty and not getting all confused about sexuality and justified war etc. His attitude on abortion is very pro-life, sensible and targets solutions rather than divisions!

His attitude to the war on terrorism is EXACTLY my own…Unless we deal with the causes of terrorism, like poverty, we’ll fail. Violence will not win this battle, as my signature says!
He also states quite clearly the Vatican opposition to the war.
What a great Christian.

What do you guys think? Ever heard of him or read his book?
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