I love these forums but our posts have their limits, and these limits are reached rather quickly. Many of the questions non-Catholics raise need considerable research and reflection. As a Catholic, I have had my own questions and musings about a great many things. The one thing I did discover is that once carefully researched and understood my misgivings always disappear.
I find great complexities in non-Catholic Christian thought and even apparent contradictions. Likewise, I have found great complexities in Catholic teaching and what appeared to be contradictions. To sort things out requires a lot of work and study. Please read the last statement again; it cannot be over emphasized.
I always try to suggest to my non-Catholic friends that they do a few things if they are really interested in understanding Catholic teaching. I try to apply the same rules to myself when studying other faiths and faith traditions. These are my suggestions:
- Admit that I have biases and that I need to keep these in check while studying the teachings before me.
- Do the necessary work and read the best orthodox materials available.("orthodox"as it applies to the faith tradition under study)
- Know history and look for reliable materials and “temporarily” suspend reading polemics that simply reinforce my biases.
All of us may try to do these things and sometimes we are reasonably successful at it. On other ocassions we forget them altogether and avoid the hard work that’s required of us.
I have a personal bias that I will admit to. In fact it is an integral part of my three suggestions. I believe, rightly or wrongly, that most non-Catholics don’t do the necessary work to appreciate Catholic teaching and where it comes from. I also think that most Catholics are under educated on the Protestant understandings of justification as well as other things. I think it unreasonable to assume that posts in these forums, although helpful, can adequately answer the questions posed in this thread. Entire books can be devoted to addressing a single objection.
I’ve read many great posts on these forums, but even the best one’s simply spur me on to further study. A topic like the Trinity remains beyond my grasp in terms of its mystery, but I still learn more all the time. The Trinity is something we all agree on, but we can never exhaust its depths. I believe that Catholic teaching is very deep and well developed, but it can only be appreciated when studied thoroughly. It is a beautiful and endless task of enrichment.