Have you asked your husband what you can do to help save the marriage? See what his needs are and find out what he wants. Offer to go to counseling for a period of time by yourself. Maybe set-up a set of deadlines of some sort to meet certain goals and expectations that he has for you.
Have you also thought of starting the courtship again. How long has it been since the two of you have been out on a date by yourselves? And when you go, don’t talk about the problems in the marriage. Work on getting to know each other again, falling in love again.
Above all, make a determined and conscious effort to put your husband’s needs above your own. Not only because you want the marriage to work, but because this is right. Think before you speak. “Will what I’m about to say uplift my husband, or will it bring him down? Will I want someone to say this to me, in this tone of voice?”
When I was first married, I had the same problem-sometimes I still do. I would get short with my husband, and could be patronizing and condescending at times. My husband, like yours, is very gentle and loving and wouldn’t ever yell at me or “fight back”. I came to realize, as the months went on, that I loved my husband so much that I never wanted to hurt him in any way. My words were hurting him, so I made a daily conscious effort to hold my husband up in every possible way. I decided that I was going to be the best wife I could be, and sincerely apologize when I fell short.
I’m not perfect at it, but I give it my best effort every day. My husband knows I love him because my actions tell him so.
I’ll keep you in my prayers. And remember, it took over 9 years for him to reach this point. It’s going to take a long time to repair the situation, so try and be patient.
Scout :tiphat:
PS-Have you looked into the Family Life Marriage Conferences? My husband and I have been to a couple of them, and they are wonderful. I’ve heard so many great stories of people who’s marriages were at the point of divorce and this conference helped save their marriage. They are evangelical conferences, but there’s nothing in them to contradict Catholic teachings-and I know Catholics go to them. You can find out information about them at