Hello All,
It’s been a few weeks since I asked about how churches were dealing with masks. My OP drew over 200 comments and there was, as expected, quite a wide range of opinions.
The OP closed after 14 days of inactivity, in part because I CONTRACTED COVID. in fact, both my wife and I contracted Covid and we know EXACTLY where we got it.
On October 1st, my wife and I went to a huge Medical Center in one of the largest cities in the country, for an annual check-up. We waited in line for 20 min or so to get Covid screened and then our visit lasted 3 hours. During that time, my wife and I kept our surgical masks completely over our noses and mouths. There were well over 100 people going in and out while we were waiting to get screened. A few had N95 masks, some had surgical masks, some had those stupid bandanas like they were robbing a stagecoach and a few had nothing. Very few had their mask on properly.
Even though my wife and I had our masks properly worn, at no point did my wife and I feel “safe” because as I stated in my OP, I don’t see the science on masks stopping the spread of Covid. In fact, if masks work, why are we having more and more people infected?
So, five days later, I woke up with no fever and a “tickle” in my throat. I did the math and went and got tested. I tested Positive. Over the next few days, my temperature climbed a little, topping out at 100.1, not technically a fever. I thought that I was clear until the second week when my Blood Oxygen dropped into the low 90’s and I felt a tiny bit short of breath.
So I headed to the ER and they gave me a shot of Decadron and monitored me for the night. The next morning, my oxygen was back in the mid 90’s and they sent me home with an 8 day prescription of Decadron.
I got better and better every day and I’m Covid Negative and back to jogging my 1 to 2 miles per day.
My wife is also now Covid Negative and the only symptom that she had was a total loss of taste and smell that lasted for 4 days. She never had a fever or any other Covid symptom.
So, despite taking all the supposed “precautions” I’m certain that we picked up Covid at the hospital because we hadn’t been anywhere prior to or after our hospital visit.
While I was at the ER for observation, the internist had time to have a good discussion with me. He said that the overwhelming number of people that they are seeing respond to the steroid treatment and do just fine. Then there is the subset who wait too long to get help and they have a higher risk. Then there is the subset of older people who are big-time obese and have diabetes and those are the ones that become very sick with Covid. He agreed with me that it’s a virus and that most people are going to get it and that “herd immunity” plays an important role in living with a virus, it always has.
So, my advice, not medical, is to let’s get back to our lives and don’t live in fear as FDR said. Get off the couch, stop eating crap and lose weight and exercise.
Oh yeah, also trust in our Loving God!!!
It’s been a few weeks since I asked about how churches were dealing with masks. My OP drew over 200 comments and there was, as expected, quite a wide range of opinions.
The OP closed after 14 days of inactivity, in part because I CONTRACTED COVID. in fact, both my wife and I contracted Covid and we know EXACTLY where we got it.
On October 1st, my wife and I went to a huge Medical Center in one of the largest cities in the country, for an annual check-up. We waited in line for 20 min or so to get Covid screened and then our visit lasted 3 hours. During that time, my wife and I kept our surgical masks completely over our noses and mouths. There were well over 100 people going in and out while we were waiting to get screened. A few had N95 masks, some had surgical masks, some had those stupid bandanas like they were robbing a stagecoach and a few had nothing. Very few had their mask on properly.
Even though my wife and I had our masks properly worn, at no point did my wife and I feel “safe” because as I stated in my OP, I don’t see the science on masks stopping the spread of Covid. In fact, if masks work, why are we having more and more people infected?
So, five days later, I woke up with no fever and a “tickle” in my throat. I did the math and went and got tested. I tested Positive. Over the next few days, my temperature climbed a little, topping out at 100.1, not technically a fever. I thought that I was clear until the second week when my Blood Oxygen dropped into the low 90’s and I felt a tiny bit short of breath.
So I headed to the ER and they gave me a shot of Decadron and monitored me for the night. The next morning, my oxygen was back in the mid 90’s and they sent me home with an 8 day prescription of Decadron.
I got better and better every day and I’m Covid Negative and back to jogging my 1 to 2 miles per day.
My wife is also now Covid Negative and the only symptom that she had was a total loss of taste and smell that lasted for 4 days. She never had a fever or any other Covid symptom.
So, despite taking all the supposed “precautions” I’m certain that we picked up Covid at the hospital because we hadn’t been anywhere prior to or after our hospital visit.
While I was at the ER for observation, the internist had time to have a good discussion with me. He said that the overwhelming number of people that they are seeing respond to the steroid treatment and do just fine. Then there is the subset who wait too long to get help and they have a higher risk. Then there is the subset of older people who are big-time obese and have diabetes and those are the ones that become very sick with Covid. He agreed with me that it’s a virus and that most people are going to get it and that “herd immunity” plays an important role in living with a virus, it always has.
So, my advice, not medical, is to let’s get back to our lives and don’t live in fear as FDR said. Get off the couch, stop eating crap and lose weight and exercise.
Oh yeah, also trust in our Loving God!!!