Wow… show her your post…
Honestly, sit down and have a talk with her! Explain to her why you have a lighter… Why you dress the way you do… Why you like alternative music… Bring up your decision about the rap music. I’m sure she’ll appreciate your answers. As my dad and I joke (half seriously) “We have to keep the lines of communication open!”
IlL have to think about that…
My parents often struggle with my decisions. My mom finds me a little too “environmental”. I really want to become a vegetarian, not for moral reasons (we were given animals to eat for nourishment!) but because I feel healthier eating fruits and vegetables and grains… But I’ve decided to hold off on going veggie until I’m out of the house, to make my mom’s life easier.
I also often dress like a hippy- again, I find the clothes comfortable and a little “out there”… I try to tone it down though, when I go out with my family…
I think hippies are freakin awsome dude! or dudete (Many chicks get mad at me becuase i call them dudes, I cant imagine why)
Also- perhaps mention to your mom that “changing” isn’t necessarily a bad thing! If she’s still not happy- ask the Holy Spirit for some fortitude, and prove to her, by your actions, that you know what is healthy for you, and that you are commited to a healthy lifestyle- drug free!
Good luck!