My mom thinks im doing Drugs!

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for a grandma who is culturally backward, could you explain the concept of “Skater” clothing and accessories?
for a grandma who is culturally backward, could you explain the concept of “Skater” clothing and accessories?
A skater, from what i understand, is someone who skateboards. Most skaters have their distinct style that seperates them from “Preps”(Kids with alot of money), “Goths”(Those who wear all Black usually), “Jocks”(Those who play sports, and all their life is about is sports) and other labels put on people. Skaters usually wear a certian kind of shoes(Usually Vans, DC’s, or Converse), Certian kinda Shirts(Hurley, Roxy, ect.), and skaters usually play in a band. From what I understand, if you dont skateboard, then you are simply a “Poser”(Someone who has the clothes, but doesn’t do what those people classified in that label do). Some of the skater accessories include Sweat-bands, Sex-Braclets, and spikes.

Now i like the skater clothes, and I hopefully wanna play in a band someday, so I would be classified more as a “Punk”(A person who wears the skater clothes, but doesn’t skate).

But i might be wrong, but that is what i’ve been told.
A skater, from what i understand, is someone who skateboards. Most skaters have their distinct style that seperates them from “Preps”(Kids with alot of money), “Goths”(Those who wear all Black usually), “Jocks”(Those who play sports, and all their life is about is sports) and other labels put on people. Skaters usually wear a certian kind of shoes(Usually Vans, DC’s, or Converse), Certian kinda Shirts(Hurley, Roxy, ect.), and skaters usually play in a band. From what I understand, if you dont skateboard, then you are simply a “Poser”(Someone who has the clothes, but doesn’t do what those people classified in that label do). Some of the skater accessories include Sweat-bands, Sex-Braclets, and spikes.

Now i like the skater clothes, and I hopefully wanna play in a band someday, so I would be classified more as a “Punk”(A person who wears the skater clothes, but doesn’t skate).

But i might be wrong, but that is what i’ve been told.
I understood all of what you described except for one thing. I’m almost afraid to ask, what is a sex-bracelet?:ehh:
I understood all of what you described except for one thing. I’m almost afraid to ask, what is a sex-bracelet?:ehh:
Oh gosh, you had to ask me…

Well, not all people who wear them use it for this purpose, but some do. A sex bracelet is a a rubber bracelet and comes in various colors. All of these colors symbolize a certain Sex-act. It is said that if another person comes along and breaks your sex braclelt, then you must perform that sex act with them, for example, black might mean a certain sex act, so if someone broke your Black sex-bracelet, you would have to perform that on the person that broke you black sex bracelet.

Oh gosh, i hope I don’t get in trouble for telling ya’ll about this. But not everyone who wears them are wearing them for that reason, they are just kind of an cool bracelet thing to some.

they look like this
I understood all of what you described except for one thing. I’m almost afraid to ask, what is a sex-bracelet?:ehh:
Oh gosh, you had to ask me…

Well, not all people who wear them use it for this purpose, but some do. A sex bracelet is a a rubber bracelet and comes in various colors. All of these colors symbolize a certain Sex-act. It is said that if another person comes along and breaks your sex braclelt, then you must perform that sex act with them, for example, black might mean a certain sex act, so if someone broke your Black sex-bracelet, you would have to perform that on the person that broke you black sex bracelet.

Oh gosh, i hope I don’t get in trouble for explainig this. But not everyone who wears them are wearing them for that reason, they are just kind of an cool bracelet thing.
Oh gosh, you had to ask me…

Well, not all people who wear them use it for this purpose, but some do. A sex bracelet is a a rubber bracelet and comes in various colors. All of these colors symbolize a certain Sex-act. It is said that if another person comes along and breaks your sex braclelt, then you must perform that sex act with them, for example, black might mean a certain sex act, so if someone broke your Black sex-bracelet, you would have to perform that on the person that broke you black sex bracelet.

Oh gosh, i hope I don’t get in trouble for explainig this. But not everyone who wears them are wearing them for that reason, they are just kind of an cool bracelet thing.
:bigyikes: I’m sorry but that is just gross. I wore a lot of weird stuff as a teenage but I can imagine I would wear something like that. We did have rubber bracelets that were just black that we wore but they didn’t mean anything -yikes! I’m glad my daughter is home schooled.
Yes those were the bracelets we had in the 80’s, nothing new except now they have a very immoral connotation. Yeek!
I hate those braclets! They’re so annoying… We have a lot of them at my school… I don’t have any.

I wear black, but because I like the color. That’s about it for me.
You kind of made me think of something that happen this weekend. My husband, our daughter and I were eating at a fast food place and a group of goth/skater type kids came in. I saw them kind of look over at us and I got the feeling that they were thinking we were a couple of dorky adults. I laughed to my husband and said when I see kids look at me like that it makes me laugh. I think - "you’ll be here some day. "

When they were babies, if they were even born we were wearing the spikes, dog chains, black leather. The heavy black eyeliner and dyed hair.

Someday you’ll be “normal” adults like the rest of us. Pretty scary huh?
I remember what things were like in high school.

Working as a substitute teacher in middle school and high school reinforced my memory. I heard the same gossip as the students and even knew who used which drugs.

Students invited me to smoke marajuana with them, and invited me to drinking parties. I wisely declined these invitations.

If I had a teenager who was dressing weird, I might think it was innocent and that the teenager was a bit naive.

If I had a teenager who started acting weird, I would fear the worst.

If it is someone else’s teenager who is having problems it is not so bad. But if it is my own teenager, who I am responsible for, who is having problems, then I’m going to feel a lot of preasure.

Teenagers have to take the responsibilty of talking with their parents about what is happening in their lives. Parents need to know who their friends are, where they go, and what kind of activities they do.

And they need to talk with their parents in the same calm and reasonable way they talk with other adults.
I wear black, but because I like the color.
I never thought black WAS a color.

I wouldn’t pierce your tongue or anything else. Just imagine 30 years from now and you have to explain why your tongue has a hole in it. I once had my ear lobe pierced, and now the scar from the hole is left. I am reminded everyday that I put a hole in myself.

From the time you first posted, Ryan you have certainly opened yourself to a lot of influences. Take some real time to step back for a while. In a few years, you will be out of high school and face the real world. I just don’t want to fall into something you might regret later.

Stay true to the faith in our Lord and His Church, then you will be fine as the Holy Spirit will guide you.

Go with God!
and my mom used to get upset because my girfriend stopped by early each morning on the way to school so we could iron each other’s hair
Dear Ryan

If you are being honest and I believe you are, then don’t let accusation be mistaken that your Mum thinks you are doing drugs, this is purely her concern for your welfare and is no reflection on your character.

During teenage years we ‘try’ out different styles and ways of expressing ourselves, this usually involves dress and listening to certain music. It’s all a figuring out of who we are and what morals and part of culture we see ourselves developing in. In Psychology it is refered to by various psychologists as ‘Identity’ and one theorist and pyschologist specifically in this field was Erikson, he devised an eight stage development for identity in humans. The adolescence is descibed thus :

‘Adolescence (13-19 years) this is the stage during which indiviuals strive to avoid role confusion and develop a sense of indentity. The social focus is on peer groups’

This applies regardless of culture or sex. It is perfectly normal to do what you are doing, in that you begin to identify with certain ‘groups’ be that a style of writing material , a certain diet, a certain kind of music, a certain way of dress. It is a development in your personality and an exploration of the world around you further than you have done previously , which previously you did not explore individually, but with your parents and under their guidance, not that now you are not under their guidance, but you as an adolesent are buying your own music and are reasonably allowed a certain amount of personal freedom etc. This is why this age is most vunerable and why your parents are fearful of your first steps into forming your identity should you Ryan, be influenced negatively and to the detriment of your personal identity development, in short…get mixed up in drugs and mess up most of your life as a result. An adolescent must be allowed to **in stability **explore their identity or their path becomes confused, there is a role confusion and the identity may not be fully formed or adversely formed if this is stunted at this stage.

You will be exploring what your strengths are academically, what job interests you, what people are best to be around and what music shakes your tree!

Explain to your mum that you are doing what ALL teenagers do and that you will not get mixed up in bad stuff as you have listened to what she has said to you and what she has said to you is right and you wouldn’t be so stupid as to get mixed up in anything like drugs.

You will also appreciate Ryan that what you like this week may not be what you like next week as you are exploring identity at this stage and what you indetify with this week may have lost it’s gleem to you next week. This is true throughout life as we undergo a constant growth in our personalities and identities, but it is most profound and far-reaching in the teenage years. Your mum really shouldn’t worry at all about you.

This is a brief synopsis Ryan but to explore is the norm, be careful what you do explore and listen to the guidance of loving words of advice from your parents, they were teenagers once themselves you know 🙂 Tell her you TRUST her advice and that she has to TRUST you that you will take her advice and not ‘mess up’

Hope this helps

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

“Sex bracelets”? Good grief. Those were popular 20 years ago. We called them “jelly bracelets” (to match the then-popular “jelly” shoes).When I was 7 I probably had two dozen of them. My friends and I would link them into chains and wear them as necklaces. I hope they weren’t called sex bracelets back then- ah, the innocence of youth. Funny how stuff comes and goes though, isn’t it? Now that high-necked blouses, long skirts and high boots are back in style, I’m waiting for the open-necked “Flashdance” shirts, spandex miniskirts, big hair accessories, and leg warmers. Lord help us all. 😛

As for the piercings, I don’t see a big deal with ear piercings. But as far as lip/tongue piercings go- yuck! Besides the gross factor (seeing someone else’s pierced tongue has always set off my gag reflex), they get infected really easily, which is a nice way to permanently disfigure your face if scar tissue builds up.
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