My mother in law is upset and angry since yesterday. Last night I wanted to say good night to her and she didn’t even want to look at me. Early in the morning I went to my in laws room to give my father in law his morning pill and I can tell she was upset then. I know why my mother in law is upset. It’s because my husband said that he will take my father in law to his doctor appointment. This is an important appointment and my husband needs to know if my father in law needs to have a surgery or not. My mother in law said she can drive and she knows how to get to the appointment. She is 85 and she has gotten lost lately going places and last week I had to go along to the dr appointment because she didn’t even know how to get to the appointment that was 4 minutes away. And she doesn’t remember things anymore. I feel bad that I have upset her because I opened my big mouth to tell her that my husband was taking them to the dr. I am very emotional right now and am silently crying. People in this forum must be sick of me posting stuff but I have no friends to talk to. I feel alone and depressed. My own sister and relatives don’t talk to me. It just seems like I am doing a good thing by taking care of the elderly but still not appreciated. Same thing happened when I took care of my dying mother last year and I was called all sorts of names by my own flesh and blood. And people were mad at me. It seems like people are always mad at me. Should I just ignore my mother in law? And I am Sorry for this post.