I know most of you probably don’t share my views on this matter, but nonetheless, I hope you don’t mind my voicing my opinion. Let me start off by saying I am a libertarian, so that influences my view quite a bit. Because I’m libertarian, I believe in government acting strictly within the limits proscribed by the Constitution. The idea of the First amendment is that religious belief, or lack thereof, should not be allowed to influence secular legislation. Therefore, I welcome all attempts to undercut religious freedom loopholes for non-discrimination against LGBT people. It is NOT, in my view, the government’s place to legislate morality.
However, as Christians, we have a duty to obey God. And he has made it very clear that marriage is between ONE MAN and ONE woman. To pretend otherwise is both foolish and impious. Thus, it pains me whenever an ordained clergy figure, regardless of which church they belong to, brushes aside their commitment to obey the words of the bible. Likewise, its important to understand that the First Amendment works both ways, and any attempt to FORCE churches to accept gay "marriage should be vigorously opposed. Feel free to agree or disagree with anything I say.