The reason is the very dissent, appalling disobedience and scandalous schism that resulted from the childish petulance of SSPX and similar groups and bishops. Had these persons decided to stay within in the Church, submit humbly to what changes were required and are beneficial (revised lectionary for instance), eschewed those changes which were Never in the V2 documents, continuing to offer a reverent Mass properly, all those whom they led astray would never have broken unity with the Church, and would have had a constant 40 year tradition and experience of the Mass as it should be. they could have been a force within the Church, setting an example by which to compare the inevitable abuses which accompanied the initial period of experimentation and implementation. They could have spoken out as loyal sons against real abuses that came in response to the agenda-pushers, and provided a steady voice in favor of retaining the best of the past. There would have been a steady, unbroken, percentage of people who retained the use of Latin responses and chant, classic hymns, devotions and reverence (none of which were abrogated by any V2 doc).
Let me see if I have this straight. The entire cause of disunity in the Latin Rite is the responsibility of the SPXII. I know little of their history, but having lived through the times, it seemed to me that they were the only ones keeping the flame of tradition flickering. Since you seem to be assigning 100% blame on one group, let me ask you if any of the following also bear some responsibility.
Let’s start with Pope Paul VI. He had the N.O. written, he approved it, and then commanded that it be implemented in what, a little over 18 mos.? At the same time, he completely suppressed the TLM, tossing it and other old masses into the circular file. Would a reasonable man expect that the faithful could absorb all the changes in such a short time. At least in my diocese, there was no lead up or anything approaching instruction on the whys or advantages of the new missal. Our only instruction was that the Pope and Vatican II demanded the changes. Yet you would not place any responsibility on Pope Paul VI.
So the Bishop and Priests start implementing the changes, and some pet changes of their own–like completely doing away with Latin in the Mass, tearing out the altar rails, giving Communion in the hands, and any other pet theory they had while telling us stupid parishoners that if we are loyal Catholics we should obey without question. If we couldn’t get with the program, then maybe we should move on down the road. Since every parish (and every Mass in our parish) was different, maybe we would find one we would like. But those priests and bishops bear no responsibility, just a lone Archbishop in Switzerland.
So then we come to the people on the pews. A great number of them wanted more experimentation & changes than even Vatican II allowed. Power to the people! Move all decisons down to the parish level. We would no longer be ruled by old single Italian men living in luxury in Rome. The Mass would be a mass of the people. Honor and sacrifice to God is so old Testament. It is time for a New Covenant, of a God who tolerates the sins and foibles of his children. They captured the parish committees and implemented their crazy ideas, with no crackdown by priests or bishops. Just one of those things, huh?
And finally, we come down to people like me. People who spent twenty or more years trying to swallow all the changes that were demanded of us. We were obedient, but with heavy hearts. We went to a Mass that we didn’t recognize in a parish that thought it was more important to reach out to the nearby protestant churches than it was to reach out to those of us that were in crisis due to the changes. Advice to us–Get with it or get out. So many of us got out. Quit going to Mass. Quit fighting the battle. We lost. We couldn’t go on. Time to admit defeat and that there was no place for us in the “Universal” church. And in your view, along with the SPXII, the division is our fault.
I am thankful that the indult came to my area. I now attend a Mass that I love and am in a Parish that welcomes Catholics of all stripes who want to worship God. It is parish made up of whites who have lived here for generations, recent immigrants. Mexicans, both long time citizens and recent arrivals. Eastern and Oriental Catholics are members of my parish. Many American Indians likewise find the TLM to their liking. Regardless of background, regardless of culture, we are a united community–united in the worship of God.
So, in my humble opinion, there is plenty of blame to go around. And the schismatic? While I could have never joined them, I recognize they kept tradition in the game. Wilthout them I doubt that we would have ever gotten the indult, which is saving many of us from Hell.